Experimental World Generation Snapshot 6 Feedback


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  • 33
    Registered User commented
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    I am starting to really like a lot of the new terrain in this update. But I have a recommendation I think would be a really beneficial change. Please consider replacing the forest biome which currently generates between jungle and savanna with the jungle edge biome. This would be more in keeping with the real world tropical forests which occur between savannas and jungles and rainforests. 
    Keep up the good work!

  • 29
    Registered User commented
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    Can you make the caves have a gray biome fog like the nether one? , so that when the chunks don't load you can't see the sky under the caves

  • 26
    Registered User commented
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    Typically when a Badlands boarders a shore it generates and Stone Shore or Beach which doesn't look real well. I was thinking maybe adding a Red Sand Beach to kind of fix this to make badlands and beach's flow together better

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    In my opinion dry areas should have less rivers overall. This could be done by making some big-scale areas have more/less rivers and tyeing some biomes to that (river-side biomes could have more "fertile grounds", eg. less rivers -> savannas, deserts, tundras; more rivers -> jungles, swamps, mega taigas)

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    The chances of flooding caves should be decreased by a tiny bit, since I think there should be a balance between dry caves and flooded caves.

    Also, I think there should be a world option that could replace the large biomes world type. Like a continental world type, which can determine the size of the biomes and oceans surrounding them.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Really enjoy most of the changes overall, though I do really miss the Giant Spruce trees generating with snow on them. If at all possible a "Snowy Giant Spruce Taiga" variant being re-added would be cool to have, it really gave magic to some of the hilly terrain

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe I'm having bad luck, but every single snapshot so far has had terrain mostly at y90 and most mountains in the y160 with a rare around y200. This makes the mountains look really short. Also, the layers of mountain biomes do not generate properly, unlike in the very first Bedrock beta (I use Java).

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    villages look very odd in this generation... the way they were added in 1.14 with structure block functionality just makes them very unappealing when villages have any elevation to work with... the roads are just awful and not even navigational, any parts of a village jutting into ocean gets strange blobs of dirt generated with, and of course when you add extra elevation into the demand the villages just look very unorderly. Maybe an update to how villages generate to make them more appealing with terrain as Villages are the one above ground structure that will majorly be affected by this

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I've been noticing that Mushroom Fields generate mostly flat with no large hills or mountains. They should have a chance to be more mountainous and large, providing some nice terrain variety and great views.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Now that caves are huge I think that they look a bit ugly with all the patches of random stone tipes, I would rather see this stone variants on mountains just like we saw with the calcite strips and have a cleaner underground orake it so that It looks less noisy

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Lush caves and dripstone are a little too small and scarce, some players report /locatebiome not even showing them in reasonable distance. Also, blue fog under ground looks jarring and odd.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I like the direction you are going with biome arrangement. Microbiomes feel out of place a lot. Temperature clash is also bad and ruins the atmosphere/immersion of the world. I dont like the random frozen ocean areas. They feel out of place frequently as well. In general i believe people enjoy larger more immersive biomes. You cant feel deep in the jungle if its not big. Small biomes just lack immersion.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I like it. I have no major critiques for this experimental snapshot. however, I would love to see more biome variations for example

     in-game biomes => complementary variant

    Beaches => Sandy Dunes, this could generate with or in place of normal beaches on occasions. 

    Mountains/ Extreme Hills => Vallies, even though they kinda exist most of the time they are narrow with a big river. this could be a rarer generation spawning betwine two different hills or mountain biomes. 

    Desert/ badlands => Oasis, I think this would be a nice rare touch to a desert adding a small pond or some sort of water source and make a small area in the middle of the desert somewhat lush and green.

    of course, they are just quality of life features that would make exploring and generation slightly smoother and overall add more nice places to build.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Idea of beautiful waterfalls

    The idea to make the generation of rivers at different heights of the world, so that one flows into the other, and the other to the third, creating beautiful transitions of the waterfall from the rivers, so that you can comfortably slide down where the water carries away, also a new sloping river that constantly flows down. It can be wide and narrow, it would still be nice to add the generation of currents in the ocean, both on the surface and under water.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    It would be more realistic, if more areas (e.g the mountain peaks) had one layer of powder snow on top instead of regular snow because real fresh snow is in fact very deep. Mountains would be much more of a challenge to climb without leather boots, which is quite realistic considering the challenge of climbing a real snowy mountain.

    Additionally, an enchantment similar to depth strider but for being faster in powder snow would be a very good addition in my opinion.

    Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, English is not my first language.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    please make waterfalls coming out of the mountains, several blocks wide, I think it will be more beautiful this way

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Pls make biomes larger

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    The bioms finally feel finished! And the micro bioms are doted out and not so dense, so they fit in to the bioms they spawn in! Wonderful! And please keep the feature with the horses and donkys! It makes it so much easier to find the fastest horse.

    thank you for your wonderful work! :D

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    So I played the snapshot in survival and it spawned me in the middle of the ocean at 8 ~ 8, which I'm pretty sure Isn't supposed to happen. maybe you could add a feature where if the spawn point is in the middle of the ocean it'll generate a small island for you to spawn on instead of fixing it by just spawning you on the mainland a couple hundred blocks away. I think I may have gotten unlucky with this spawn though because I could barely even see land from spawn with my render distance at 24 chunks, so I think that spawning a small microbiome where you spawn in if you spawn in the middle of an ocean would be a good feature. Seed: -1948951926728652780

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I've said this for 3 snapshots now, especially tall mountains are too rare.

    For 3 snapshots I've also said that there's tall grass generating on top of snow blocks in peak biomes below certain heights.

    I said this about the last snapshot, if I teleport to a mountain and then search for rivers I find tiny ones that look more like lakes or ponds.

    I said this about the last snapshot too, water stops freezing in the frozen rivers when biomes transition to non-cold ones, it looks weird.

    I've been saying this for all the snapshots, odd glacial formations are happening in caves beneath frozen oceans.

    And I am once again asking for rivers to exit at oceans.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    There is nothing natural and nothing good that combination of swamp and desert.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Ok ,biome changes are an overall positive,dont need to discuss them
    Ocean floor caves are quite amazing ,they solve the cave diving issue mostly.
    Underwater caves overall are on a ready to release spot already ,with the slight caveat that they dont solve that issues with caves under y 0,either way very good ,also seem rare enough to not disrupt caves on shore.
    Horses and Llamas are too slow at swimming,to the point that it doesnt solve the issue much ,but good concept
    Thought of a few issues and fixes related to this update that are relevant:
    QoL suggestions: allowing soul torches to neutralize overworld spawners ,it would be convenient for creating farms but less so for mineshafts and such,therefore spawners are still strong but easier to work with.
    Add underwater breathing potions to buried treasure like in bedrock,there's demand for it.
    Turtle helmets need to recover the water breathing effect with magma blocks,or speed up breathing,otherwise they're very useless for the underground.
    Generation suggestions:
    Allow huge patches of magma blocks to generate on the ocean floor,so bubbly water streams are back
    Add in a rare chance of low elevation cave ground to create a one block deep pool of water,adds in extra variation and could be fun imo.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    In regards to Taigas in real life versus how and where they will appear in the game, the Giant Spruce Forests should no longer be called Taigas if they are no longer considered cold biomes as it wouldn't make sense. Continuing to call them Taigas would be misleading in terms of information and how taigas appear in real life. Considering the fact that this game is used to educate younger audiences, this is not a good thing in my opinion. This would be primarily due to the fact that Taigas in real life are considered cold forests of the subarctic regions around the globe.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Aquifer walls cut off the entrance of many caves, especially spaghetti and superficial caves, and this creates many dead ends. Perhaps the aquifer walls should be more porous.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Two things that have been bothering me about the new generation are:

    • The rivers are way too deep and you can't see them properly because of that, making them look like they used to look back before the aquatic update.
    • The plains aren't exactly plain, their terrain is varying a lot.

    Also, a little off-topic I believe, but I think the forests should have less trees in general. That would make us appreciate the new generation easier and would make the forests look better as well. Hopefully you agree with me. Thanks for all the work that's being put in this update.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I love where it is, but it runs horrible, I have a good pc, but I'm worried for people with lower end pc and it kinda sucks playing at like 6 chunks load instead of like 16 or 20 and fps has dropped heavily.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Add back "ice caves" into mountains, please!!!! 

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I miss the ravines with magma blocks in the deep, testing the new snapshot I didn't find any, just a few isolated magma blocks. I think the removal of this kind of ravines a loss to the oceans.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    mountains rarely pass the cloud limit, really dissapointing as gping above the clouds make them feel cinematic and more like a "real" mountain