Bedrock Beta Multi Noise World Generation Feedback


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  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    In my opinion there should be more bigger caves underground. The new caves feel underwhelming.

    There is a lot of aquifers near the surface. a lot of the caves I've visited lead to an aquifer

    Rivers collide with caves making an underground waterfall.

    Deepslate doesn't generate below 0.

    Chunk loading is really slow - integrated graphics



  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Love the generation updates. One big issue I’m seeing is that deep slate only generates roughly between y=0 and y=16 (give or take a few blocks). Once I go below y=0 it’s nothing but stone and ores. No deepslate at all. Another thing I noticed is that cloud level is still y=130. I know it was raised in Java experimental snapshots and didn’t know if it was supposed to have also been implemented in the bedrock beta yet. For reference I’m playing on the PS4 version of Bedrock.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Hi, I must say: amazing job! The generation changed the world quite a bit; In my opinion, it would be possible to tweak the generation and size of microbiomes a bit, since examples of small patches of terracotta, snow or blocks of grass of strange colors often appear out of place.

    Cave entrances could also be improved, since entrances that are not flooded are generated very rarely; while those that are generated have the possibility of being very deep or only superficial.
    leaving out some bugs such as layers of floating snow and generations of non-existent cave chunks. I think it's an amazing job!

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    When loading a world that rendered properly in the beta, it raise the world height globally of previously rendered chunks by 64 blocks and subsequently deleted all items and split my chests, deleted all entities. This world was made before world height changes and Ik you wanted old worlds to be compatible.

    Edit: Azalea trees spawning underwater as well - had 2 right next to each other do this. There were no other eligible blocks above for the Azalea trees to spawn that were not submerged.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I've seen that the new snowy slopes biome is generating at the sea water level . Please fix that . Thank you 🙏
  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I like how the new caves look, but they all seem to be flooded and it's really frustrating. I've explored many worlds and barely ever find any dry caves. And if I do somehow manage to find one, it's tiny and barely has anything. The fact that there are barely any dry cave entrances like there were before this update is also extremely annoying, I can't find any good caves and instead of making me want to explore caves, it's having the complete opposite effect.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Cave entrances are too rare and mostly with water filled and another issue is no deepslate below 0.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I like

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I think the mountains should be much more extreme and the underground caves much better add also the generation of calcite in the mountains and elsewhere

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    diamonds need to be rarer, it's very easy to find diamonds.

  • 2
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    One thing that I noticed is that on java grass spawns more than on bedrock. it's actually been an issue on bedrock for awhile now https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360023509331--Java-Parity-Tall-grass-generation

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Rivers in Minecraft are still not good enough. There need to be rivers above y=63 and below it and they should either slightly slope down or create massive waterfalls, not just tiny springs. This should entice players to build locks and extensive canals.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    What would be sick is in some areas there's a new boss like a snowy boss or something

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    doesn't make much sense to me... a new generation of worlds and not implemented (again) the negative layers of deepslate

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I think we need more small cave entrances. right now we only have really big ones and they are kind of rare. Also caves are too steep, their decent downwards could be slighly slower.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    but not all parts of the world's generation are changed right? and I want the world's generation to be changed all in bedrock😭It might take some time for the developer to make it

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    In my opinion, dry cave entrances should be made not rare because I have trouble finding dry caves in my survival world.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Love the new experimental snapshots so far. The one thing I have to say about the recent experimental feature is that there isn’t any mega caves anymore, almost all the caves I’ve run into seem to be nearly identical to the ones in 1.17. On few occasions you run into a large cave but it’s usually only one room which is a little underwhelming compared to the last experiential update, would love to see more giant caves systems since it’s one of the most exciting parts of the update along with really tall mountains.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I hope that Bedrock betas will match the newest Java snapshots soon!

    Initial world generation is slow. Slight framerate drop during gameplay, but it's playable. There's some messy, floating blocks that needs some cleanup, they look very unnatural. There's a lack of huge caves, and tall mountains over 200 blocks.

    Lag is manageable, but it'll likely get worse as you play the game & explore more. A common build players do is to make big storage chest rooms with item frames, and they cause a lot of lag for some reason, they shouldn't be so demanding! It's probably not necessary for items like paintings, armor stands, and item frames to check for projectile impacts, etc.

    Mobs die in underground caves without player interaction, and zombies will pick up the loot, creating permanent zombies. Wandering traders can also spawn in caves, leading to persistent trader llamas and zombies carrying leads. Armored zombies can drown, and the new drowned mob will pick up the armor, causing persistence. Over time you'll have 60+ permanent mobs under your base, which causes lag. They should just despawn eventually, as they haven't interacted with the player.

    Random ticks can be made less demanding. There's a lot of vines, cave vines, dripstone, snow etc. They're beautiful and it's fine for them to be common! But maybe they shouldn't check for growth & decay every tick?

    Tons of item entities cause lag. Give an option to render items as simple 2D sprites, instead of spinning 3D models.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Perdí mi cuenta por esto nuevo y ya no tengo amis amigos

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    why Deepslate doesn't generate below 0.
    I’m playing on the PE version of Bedrock.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    This is less of a suggestion and more of a question, but when are bedrock betas going to get the deepslate layer?

  • 0
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  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I have tested the experimental world generation on Bedrock Edition 1.17.30 (PS4), and it was EPIC! I spawned right away close to a shattered Giant Taiga mountain that went up to 225! It was so much fun to explore; the world generation keeps tempting you to go in so many directions you don't know from where to start! It only took me 1:30 to 2:00 hours to find a MASSIVE cave entrance. Of course, this could've have been insane luck, but overall I think the cave systems themselves are absolutely spot on. They're absolutely insane without being overwhelming, and keep tunneling and going further down. I believe that would be mostly universal, as I found quite a lot of them for a long duration; they continued on from spaghetti to cheese cave until I reached around -45, and there are other ways I haven't taken. From what other people are saying, I think it's just a matter of being harder to find. The caves themselves are great, the entrances and connections to Noodle caves are what needs work. I'll need to test more to decide, but honestly it seems that those who are saying that the caves are too small just had bad luck. He/She probably just only ran into tunnels that go through Mountains or only found Noodle caves, which brings up the issue that Noodle caves often cut off and are indeed discouraging to explore as they most likely never connect to bigger caves. They are not a gaurantee of anything.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Also keep in mind that some people don't like caves being too spacious as it can make them too hard to explore. The caves that I ran into had a great mix between insane caves exposed to the surface and more medium sized and smaller caves that keep winding through. It honestly has the best of both worlds as far as I've seen. Will need to test more, but honestly I really like the overall balance of the cave systems from what I've seen both in my testing and elsewhere. There is a lot of variation, which means with enough exploring you'll get lucky and find huge caves just like I did. Most of the caves will be "medium" (which by themselves look epic), making the huge caves more rewarding to find. Besides, the caves keep winding forever and reach the depths, so with patience you can find huge caves. What could use improvement is surface interactions, as sometimes the caves form tunnels through mountains that despite looking great, don't lead to the underground, and more importantly the only entrances I've seen forming were huge ones, which are fairly rare, but that means there is less access to the underground. The solution I see is with noodle caves intersecting more with the surface and other caves, and having less aquifers on the surface. This will make the underground much more accessible without making the mega cave entrances too common or messing up the cave size and distribution balance.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Hello again, I have to say that the update is making good progress. I can't wait to try it out on its official launch! For now in the latest beta version the details to improve I think are the interference of aquifers and waterfalls that can appear on the surface or next to cave systems. They become in an unorganized, unnatural way, very frequently generating waterfalls that give huge drops in FPS and rendering, on the other hand: the excessive generation of ores, not the generation of tuff in negative parts, a large generation of trees in the meadow biome as well as the incorrect generation of blocks with a height greater than one (drip leaves and tall grass) are minor problems but worth looking at. They do an amazing job 😊

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    this is for java but its not pined so  i am using bedrock

    the cave biome noise needs to fill more of the world

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I suggest reducing the waterfilled caves by a little bit. They are a bit too common and they also override air caves msking interesting but frustrating areas, but notably they often end up with a "skin" of single blocks separating them from air caves, which is neat the first time, but after a few dozen occasions of it, is not so good.

    I also suggest generating the caves then filling them with either air or water afterwards, which would give a smoother and better appearance. Woukd be nice if you could use natural chokepoints as transitions from air to water, but that'd depend on generation style for feasibility.

    Also, as I'm guessing there are certain numbers which are compared when generating, it'd be nice those numbers were set by biome, allowing different biomes to have different character in their caves, but also making this available to tweak for custom biomes (and custom dimensions would be real nice).