Warden drops skulk blocks


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    Registered User commented
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    The wardens not meant to be killed so they’re not going to do this. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah, they should drop a catalyst and some skulk, to make up for their large size.

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    Registered User commented
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    They aren’t meant to be killed, but you should have a renewable source of skulk blocks. They do seem very rare, and it would be a way to just maybe get more. Besides, he is very hard to kill and you should get some reward for doing so, even if just more skulk blocks. 

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    Registered User commented
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    This is absolutely useless when you can't kill them. We don't know anything about how the blocks would spawn and whether we could farm them or not, but I'd say it is likely that once you find a certain Sculk block you can use it as a source for other blocks using a specific, unique mechanic. You're not meant to make farms for the Warden. I doubt it would ever spawn in a way that allows you to use Redstone to farm it, and I doubt you'd be able to build such huge contraptions in the Deep Dark without it detecting and killing you. For once, stop thinking about the Warden's drops. They declared a thousand times that the Warden is meant to be a natural disaster that you stealth around to avoid. It's meant to bring the horror of the first night to veteran/late game Minecraft player's and to a different level and theme. Being able to farm it even if you aren't directly killing it absolutely breaks that purpose. If it will drop anything, it will be a trophy item, and they're not even sure about that.

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    Registered User commented
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    agreed, and even if you're not meant to loot them mobs dying without dropping anything is generally irritating. I'm especially looking at bats.