If you'd like to see existing mods come to the Bedrock platform, please contact the talented community creators of these mods and ask them to take a look at the modding API documentation at http://aka.ms/minecraftaddons Bugs, requests for specific existing mods, feature lists, and support issues will be removed. Please put mashup requests and copyrighted content requests in Marketplace.


Allow custom blocks to have appropriate mining times from vanilla tools


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  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    We just need to be capable of doing stuff with blocks in general, I want to see stuff like mechanism, liquid pipes, and thinkers construct

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I don't understand how they haven't done this, they should add a component to the blocks that disables the custom tools component that are selected in the blocks component, this would be revolutionary for Bedrock Addons