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The hacking community


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  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    You are essentially saying you want to be allowed to cheat on servers and get away with it because that is the right thing to do. (servers SHOULD be able to ban people for ANYTHING that is against their rules, because it is their server, on any edition.) Also, you could just get Java edition, which uses java script. (for the record, they are not responsible if you break your own game. That would be on you.)

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Oh no, you can't hack on a Minecraft server? That's too bad. DEAL WITH IT!! Us non-hackers have to deal with you cheaters almost anytime we connect to the server. And Java Edition SHOULD be banning hackers.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    While I very much don't approve of hacking on servers, I have to say you have a little bit of a point:

    On servers players should not be allowed to hack, it makes it unfair, but that is the SERVERS' responsibility, not Minecraft's.

    Hacking on realms should be fine with Minecraft. If the owner of the realm doesn't like it, they can ban hackers.

    I don't approve of hacking, but I feel like it shouldn't be Minecraft's #1 priority to remove. If you want to hack in your own world, you should be able to!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    AidonorA I agree I run a mc server and I have not had to deal with hackers yet because of whitelist

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    i completely agree, but Java edition is written in java, not JavaScript(look it up),


  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Ummm so you're telling Mojang to allow cheating on bedrock????