Hello! I have had previously accepted posts be removed for editing a typo, as well as many high quality, well thought out posts not accepted. It is very frustrating as there is generally no reason given. I have signed up with a microsoft email and enabled notifications, so I should be recieving an email, however, I have not recieved a single one thusfar. This can be very frustrating as suggestors will not know what they are doing wrong (My posts have continuously followed guidelines, triple checked), and yet have been removed.
In addition, it is not always clear what is "acceptable" and what isn't. The threshold is 3-4 small images, but there is no definition of what a "small" image would be, which adds to confusion. Furthermore, are 1-2 "big" images allowed? Why is it that longer posts are less likely to be approved despite being more thought out? Doesn't this encourage lower quality posts?
I appreciate how hard you guys are working to keep this feedback site running, however, it does sometimes feel like the way it is moderated encourages shallow suggestions that do not affect the game outside of surface level changes.
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