Minecraft Dungeons is a really fun game but I feel like its support is limited. I really want it to be a true long-lasting MC spinoff & not eventually discontinue like Minecraft Story Mode & Minecraft Earth. 1 thing that would really help Is developing a separate feedback website for Minecraft Dungeons. Because it's a dungeon crawler, it consists of so many different things & it's a bit hard to give feedback & for feedback to be seen if there are no categories for MC Dungeons specifically. Whether it's weapon balancing, the level design, type of artifacts, cooldowns, it would be easier as a whole if there were different categories. I know that would take a lot of time but that would really help the MC Dungeons development & community. So maybe in a year or 2 from now. If it's not possible to do this then it would be appreciated if there at least would be pinned posts created for a bunch of MC Dungeons categories.
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