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Holding Torch gives off aura of light when I hold it Minecraft Pe/bedrock


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  • 66
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    Crawling when you place a trap door (in Pe/Bedrock)

  • 44
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    Not having to crouch to use shields (on Pe/bedrock)

  • 26
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    Maybe if you have the achievement unlocked can wear a tourch on your head for the light also. ( skin unlock where you have a candle / miner lantern on your head with a band.

  • 15
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    I want thissss cause u have to place torches anywhere

  • 12
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    Maybe make it so you can hold one lantern in your off-hand to make lanterns more useful.

  • 9
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    Share Thais idea.

  • 9
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    This should be done on all versions of the game. The Caves and Cliffs update would benefit from this, since the caves are so big now and there are next-to-no sources of light (excluding the Lush caves, which are still fairly dim). I've seen mods that can do this, but putting it into the base game would be a HUGE plus to compliment the new caves. Maybe even other blocks/items that can give off light like Lanterns or Glowstone could have a similar effect?

  • 7
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    There's send is true

  • 6
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    La antorcha la quiero para tenerlo como escudo 


  • 5
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    Poder hacer un golem de todos los materiales


  • 5
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    about the torch that you put it in your hand and it gives light is a mod or a texture pack

  • 5
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    Maybe the aura can be based on colors by using dyes and crafting,maybe a torch be side a dye like a red dye can make a red torch with red fire and red glow

  • 5
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    Mojang has already confirmed they are NOT adding dynamic lighting to the game for now. 

  • 5
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  • 4
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    make a sweeping edge in bedrock edition

  • 3
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  • 3
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    The only reason torches give off light when in your hand on Java is through Optifine, a 3rd party mod.

  • 3
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    Sweped edge Minecraft bedrock

  • 3
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    And also add the seeping edge enchant to mcpe and edu

  • 3
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    How to hand show torch

  • 3
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    Pls mojang do it

  • 2
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    Fazer o escudo protejer automático assim que um ataque for detectado

  • 2
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    Yea I disagree with putting any item in our offhand. JAVA uses a keyboard which has a lot of options for input, while controller is limited. That is why JAVA can hotkey all the items that Bedrock cant. Whenever you try to put whole stacks of items in a chest on Bedrock it will go to your offhand instead. But I do like the torch idea with lighting like JAVA, but can they do that? The mechanics of Bedrock and JAVA are different. There is a reason Bedrock has RTX and JAVA doesnt. The engines are different and operate differently. However Im not sure why our offhand is so different with specific items. We cant even put food in our offhand or crops that can lure animals. BUT arrows and nautilus shell will go into our offhand which makes no sense. Why do those go into our offhand but not wheat to lure animals? Even if there are restrictions because of keyboard/controller/touch input, at least let us put useful items in our offhand. Torches if it emits light, food, crop... and remove useless items from being equip into the offhand. If it serves no purpose just remove it. If its not usable why is it there? 

  • 2
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    tankyou for giving tanks

  • 2
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    This would be very usefull

  • 2
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  • 2
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    Si seria lo mejor para Minecraft bedrock. Por favor ayadenlo 😃😃😃

  • 2
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    I mean this could work and perhaps a way to balance this is by making it some form of enchant that allows your shield or helmet to glow but the downside is that mobs would be able to spot you from a further distance (can perhaps also be use as a distraction).

  • 2
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    Tolong kasih kasih bisa torch dipegang tangan kiri dan bercahaya 🙏

  • 2
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    I think will be more good to econom the torch