The lush caves have enough plants for more animals than the axolotl. The new mob would be glow flies. They will spawn as their first stage in green eggs that take three minecraft days to hatch that are on cave walls. Once it hatches it becomes something similar to the real glow worm that will stay there making a light source (this stage can be a block since it will not move). After this stage it gets green wings and a black body. It will also have green eyes. They will be formed kind of like the bee. These insects will pollinate the new flowers in lush caves. When it is pollinating it really is two times better than the normal bee pollinating however these things will attack you if you happen to break ANYTHING in the lush cave (and of course when you hit them). They hate monsters too. They have glowing stingers that give the target poison like normal and set them aflame. And these can sting multiple times so you have to be careful and not upset them. These insects are terrified of dead bushes and other dead vegetation and will also pollinate normal flowers. Write ideas in comments.
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