Sculk Sensor Feedback



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  • 86
    Registered User commented
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    The sculk sensor is absolutely great, however, the frequence of a walking player and other walking mobs shouldn't be the same. It would be good if there was a difference, because then you could make automatic doors without the fear of having your house filled with creepers.

  • 65
    Registered User commented
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    1. I think the range is in a good spot but I feel like the range needs to be adjusted or have the option to be adjusted in the context of the deep dark since torches should be heard when placed but the fear of not knowing beyond the light is terrifying. maybe the option of range increase up to fifteen when placed on certain blocks like skulk blocks/growths and or blocks present in the deep dark

    2. Personally, i the current system is good but don't take my word on it

    3.I think it being waterlogged is awesome but it does affect Redstone. I think options are nice and I think carpets are a good way to silence the vibrations and I would like sculk vibrations to travel faster and be more audible when players are underwater.

    4.The sculk frequencies are amazing but a way to recognize certain sounds are needed. I think a way to do this is to have the option to power/lock the sensor. When an action is performed, it'll lock the sculk and it will only recognize that action. This isn't intended to replace frequencies since programmed sculks will only produce a signal strength of one to reduce it's potency. and to revert it just remove and place it. This way, we can fit more vibrations without affecting what's good about them right now.

  • 28
    Registered User commented
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    I think water silencing Sculk Sensors is a useful feature, mainly for making it so others don't hear the Sculk Sensor being activated

  • 28
    Registered User commented
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    Sculk sensors are currently really hard to manage in redstone contraptions because once you place them down, you couldn't really work around them. A solution to this would be to temporarily deactivate the sculk sensor with a shovel. The time the sculk sensor is deactivated depends on the tier of the shovel; gold is 5 seconds, wood is 30 seconds, stone is 1 minute, iron is 20 minutes, diamond and netherite is 5 minutes. Sculk sensors will not emit vibrations when "waking up", and if your shovel has silk touch (for balancing), it will not emit vibrations when deactivating the sculk sensor.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    The waterlog thing is good. I'm not sure but I think there is still this vibration wave travelling from the sound source to the sculk sensor. You should delete it because if it stays like this, you can never hide sculk sensors completely.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    I have also seen various posts about being able to control what frequencies the Sculk Sensor can detect. Wild Sculk Sensors could try to detect them all at once, but once obtained they could also be set to only hear certain frequencies, allowing people to better differentiate them.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    Silent Sculk sensor is really useful in contraptions and traps, but the particle doesn't get 'silent' too.
    Sculk sensor would be completely silent if the particle is invisible when waterlogged

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    I'm not sure how easy this would be or if there was a reason this was not done, but Sculk Sensors could still detect other movements when they are activated, and the frequencies that give a higher redstone output would just overwrite the lower redstone output. As for Sculk Sensors detecting other Sculk Sensors, they could be made to occlude sound like wool so they don't activate each other

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    So walking creates vibrations which is understandable but what if wearing leather boots occluded the vibrations from walking. That way you can walk around without setting anything off that you don't want to.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    1. The ranges feel okay, although I think another frequency should be added for "special entity actions"

    2. The frequencies seem good to me overall.

    3. I like the waterlogging with sculk sensors.

    4.  the 40gt delay makes it difficult to detect certain vibrations.  Often times when players want to detect something specific, the vibration becomes "contaminated" by other frequencies and it becomes difficult or impossible to detect something because of it.


    My main feedback here is that I think an additional event should be added: Special Entity actions

    These would include motions made by entities that are currently undetectable.  A couple of specific examples would be parrots dancing to music disks, piglin dancing, making pets sit/stand, etc.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I currently have two suggestions for sensors:

    1. Visual issue - the animation of sensors in "inactive" mode should be very slow, calm and accelerate rapidly when receiving vibration.

    2. Detection issue - we can determine that the sensor gives a higher signal the louder the sound. If a note block could be placed under the sensor and check that its height affects signal reception, this would be good for sensor restriction. A note block of 3 would make the sensor only detect signals from 3 upwards. A note block of 15-24 would make the sensor detect only vibration sounds at level 15.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I was just thinking, if people do want to use the Sculk Sensor without its sound, it may be difficult to use since redstone (in Java at least) isn't water-loggable. Still, I suppose there are other ways to transfer the signal, such as pistons or rails.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    could you change the texture back to the original? I find the new texture extremely irritating and just not right for the theme and sound of the skulk sensor.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I think the frequency values could still do with some work (just IMO), one thing that really stands out is flap, which is only for bees and parrots. I think this would be much more useful as a general mob step
    I also think too many things are piled onto the higher values, for example containers opening and closing could possibly be moved down to 4 and 5
    I'm also personally not a fan of lightning strike being a thing that gets sensed as that can't be controlled by a player and a lightning strike detector already exists in the form of the redstone output from the lightning rod
    As for sculk sensors being waterlogged and not making any noise I think that's a good idea but might be annoying because a misclick with the bucket could destroy a bunch of redstone, a good alternative could be adding snowlogging into java and having that mute the sensor, an alternative that's less tricky to code could just be having the sculk sensor on top of a wool block silencing it
    I don't know if a solution to spamming a sound to prevent a sensor from sensing is a problem that can or even should be solved as it seems like an interesting bug to be sorted in the contraption itself

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    I would say something awsome that would help with the tick cooldown is that you could set skulk sensors so that they only detect sounds at a certain level or above(for instance if you set it to 10, maybe by right-clicking it ten times, it would only detect vibrations with a level of 10 and above).

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    should we be able to place redstone in water? If so, that would help, because you can use water to temporarily deactivate the sensor while building the contraption. 


    Another possible mechanic: throwing splash water bottles "stuns" the sensor for a bit of time

    Side note: you can't place redstone in water on bedrock either

    Another thing: in 20w49a there was a texture of a "calibrated skulk sensor." This could be used so that it only senses the first vibration it hears, which could be useful for redstone stuffs.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I think the Sound/Vibration Particle should only be visible to the thing making the sound and/or be invisible if the Sculk Sensor is waterlogged

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Schneppi mentioned Sculk Sensors detecting players and mobs as the same thing. While this may be a complicated solution, one idea is that wild Sculk Sensors detect a range of categories, but there could be a way to make them only detect one category. For example, instead of simply detecting walking, they could then detect what mobs are walking, or if something is running, etc. They could even be narrowed further to detect only one thing

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Waterlogged sensor should also make the vibrations invisible, as it would allow them to be even more useful for not being detected. Sounds preventing other sounds from being heard is a very big problem. Maybe there should be some way, maybe blocks that offer partial occlusion, meaning only occluding less output vibration types and blocks that prevent strong vibrations.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I love the idea of waterlogged sculks. I would suggest that sculk sensors could be tuned to certain frequencies like a note block, and comparators would be able to filter out what caused the sound (player, hostile mob, etc) or vice-versa. I would also like to see the ability to adjust the detection range based on what blocks are below the sensor (amethyst blocks = 8x range, tuff = 0.5x, gold = 5x, etc)

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    For me the Sculk Sensor is amazing, I would only change one thing: that with a /gamerule or somehow you can change the vibration detection range and the time it takes for the vibration to reach the Sculk Sensor.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I feel like adjustable range could useful, and be done with the blocks placed beneath the sensor, similar to the note block noises.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I would like to be able to detect mob footsteps separately from player footsteps. Maybe player footsteps make a redstone signal of 1 and mob footsteps a signal of 2 (to go with flapping, which only mobs do). I want to make a maze that has a chance of changing or activating invisible traps, but I have brutes and wither skeletons walking around as well and I dont want them to be setting off the changes and traps.

    Another use for this could be a custom door greeting for whether you are a mob (you get killed) or a player (can walk through normally)

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Skulk Sensors should pick up minecarts!

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    skulk should be burn in fire and should SCREAM 

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I think It would be a useful idea for instead of using a comparator to diferenciate different tipes of vibrations, to be able to give the block different strengths of redstone and the sculk sensor would just detect vibrations that match with the redstone strength so that when you just want to detect one vibration you do not to have to keep yourself without activating the sensor by simply walking. I don't know if I explained my idea good enough if you have questions ask them.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I think the Sculk Sensor cooldown time should be halved to 20 ticks.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    If a sculk sensor is on the receiving end of a comparator, it should focus only on sounds of the frequency of the comparator. It would fix the problem with listening to the wrong sounds, and could also create more interesting contraptions, like requiring a different sound to activate it depending on what music disc is in a jukebox. It would also allow you to turn off the sensor by not powering the comparator.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I think there should be a way to make them deaf for a determined period of time so we can make contraptions or traps much easier and without the sculk sensor activating constantly when we break a block. I think we should use amethyst blocks or crystals as a way to make them deaf. 

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Sculk Sensors could act similarly to note blocks where they are affected by what blocks are beneath them. Alternatively, Note Blocks could do something when Sculk Sensors are beneath them