Additional Smithing Table use in 1.17 (Copper)


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  • 212
    Registered User commented
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    I think that it should be golden tools that get upgraded into an alloy, since they're virtually useless right now. Maybe instead of bronze tools, it should be gilded tools? They could have the speed of gold, but with the durability and mining potential of iron, making them much more useful. It'll still leaving diamond and netherite where they are, since diamonds are still very fast and are leagues more durable than gilded, but still being a viable alternative pre-max enchants due to their speed.

  • 16
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    This would not work with iron armor or swords because if they get upgraded they are strong as diamond tools. So you could only upgrade the durability.

  • 15
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    Bronze is weaker than iron though

  • 12
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    Sim0ster good point... i know this is a tough ask because it's unprecedented, but maybe we could have decimal points (6.5 damage), that would give a 50% chance of taking away another half heart

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    I really like this idea! I think it would be super fun to see this in the game, and maybe you could make bronze ingots that could be used for new recipes? I felt like the telescope could be crafted with bronze instead of copper, making it a bit more challenging to get, as you would need iron. Maybe you could even make a new combat item, like a bronze gauntlet or something. 

  • 8
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    Joseph Rahner Bronze is not weaker than iron. Bronze is weaker than carburized iron, iron mixed with carbon that is basically steel.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    *looks around at the dozens of people wanting new ores as well*
    *looks at how every ore in the game is named "<material> Ore". No Hematite, no Native Gold, no Kimberlite, no Native Copper*

    People want more ores, and have been begging for more ores. Mojang never said they wouldn't add more ores after Copper, just that there were no plans. Just because YOU don't know about something doesn't make it obscure. And I'm offering that Tin would have the same use as Copper: decoration blocks. I'm not asking for a million new ores here, just one. I don't know how obscure YOU think Copper + Tin = Bronze is, I know most well known cases of mods implementing Bronze use copper and tin. I'm not saying Tin Ore should be called Cassiterite. That's just one of the most common Tin ores. There aren't many uses for Copper and Amethyst as of yet, so what? They were added last week, while most other ores were added nine or ten years ago, and have had a long time to gain new uses. I'm not asking for Sapphires and Rubies and a million other things because "it would be cool", I'm advocating for one ore. One ore, so that the alloy Bronze is made with the same composition as real life. And I offered a use, as decoration, the same as Copper.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I think there should be more use to this besides protection/faster/stronger than iron. I could just use diamond for that. Wooden Tools can be obtained early-game, Iron armor is plentiful and cheap, even gold armor has a use as it can be used to protect from piglins. I just don't see the use of this.

  • 4
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    "Things don't need to be exactly the same as real life." They seem to be wanting to use the game as education more and more. They add useless mobs because "They're rare and we don't want to incentivize killing them, but to bring attention to their plights". As much as it may annoy the **** out of us, it seems that they want us to learn something, for some reason. (They've clearly botched the implementation, and now some people kill these 'endangered animals' in sight simply because they're useless.) Considering this, considering that they were gonna have us breed parrots with chocolate chip cookies (which would poison a real parrot), considering that they made coral blocks die when placed on the surface, while sea pickles don't, *considering that it would have costed them $0 to not do these things*, they did. If they're going to add Bronze, they should at least not give almost three hundred million people the misconception that Bronze is made with Copper and Iron in real life. They made Coal appear in beds or seams, they will make copper appear in veins, and they make Diamond appear near lava tubes. Why shouldn't they make Bronze craftable from Copper and Tin?

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I would like everyone to know that I am now pro-tin. If implemented correctly, Tin would be an amazing decorative block, solving the problem of people wanting to build with Iron Blocks but it's too expensive.

    Tin would only be found in Ocean/Mountains biomes, as valleys and oceans is where most tin is found in real life. However, it would be very rare. I suggest tin nuggets become one of the main drops of archeology. 

    Tin blocks would look a slightly more grey version of Iron. Cut Tin could also be added. I would also support the addition of Tin Bars, a horizontal version of Iron Bars that can be placed as a floor/roof. Three Tin Ingots in a vertical line can create a tin pipe- which can transfer items between hoppers, fixing the need of so much iron in a hopper chain And, Two Copper Ingots and One Tin Ingot would give the player three Bronze Ingots, which can be used in the smithing table to upgrade Iron Tools to Bronze ones. Bronze Ingots' primary use will be making their tools, but Bronze Blocks/Chisled Bronze Blocks, which can be used as beacon fuel, could also be a cool addition.

    One last thing, Locks and Keys should be added. Both Tin and Bronze should have a function in this, The Keys should be made of Tin, and the Locks should be made of Bronze and Chains.

  • 3
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    MDGCixle101 thanks! I think we should leave it up to the devs of whether they want to change the recipe, but I agree that the bronze ingot could be a thing. Maybe the bronze ingot could be the way to stop copper blocks from oxidizing, by combining copper with iron to make the block. 

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Bronze is Copper and Tin, not Copper and Iron. They should add Cassiterite. Tin Blocks would be a lot like Copper blocks. Because who doesn't like the sound of rain on a tin roof?

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Or they can add tin. There just isn't a named alloy of Copper and Iron, and to get Bronze from Copper and Iron, it might confuse people into thinking that's how bronze is made.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Perhaps these tools made out of Iron and Copper should be Gold Speed with Iron Durability but it rusts overtime and depending on the tier of rust it will lose Durability 1|2|3|4 times faster.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Rather than being crafted with copper and iron, copper and tin should be used, as in real life. Tin could be found rarely in most cases, but have a higher spawn rate in mountains, like gold in mesa, but tin would be much rarer initially. This would add another new feature to the "cliffs" and caves at the same time.

  • 3
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    LukePlays4833 I think the primary use of the smithing table would be to make alloys, maybe bronze and steel could be added in a different update (another combat update)

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    TympanicCafe546 the use of Bronze Armor is that it is stronger than iron while also being more plentiful than diamond. As for the "special use" thing, i have another thread relating to that. 


  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I don't think Minecraft needs some new tools now, but it is good to add new uses of bronze. And I hope a new boss will be added to Minecraft because we have only 2 bosses for a long time.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    They probably should add Tin first so that you can combine it with copper to make bronze; definitely think there could be some room for bronze tools. Less durable than diamond, but a similar mining efficiency.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    This is an interesting idea, maybe we could use the smithing table to make alloy's, combining ores to get new metals. We could potentially get steel, silver, and bronze as mentioned, as well as potentially sapphire if for example we combine diamonds or emeralds with amethyst. Not sure how the devs would feel about this though, if we're going to get new metals we might as well add ores, though I think it would be awesome if we could have more metals like copper where they are smelted into ingots but aren't used to make standard tools or armor.

    For example say we add silver, instead of silver gear you could craft some kind of totem that could pacify intimidate undead mobs. We could also use new ores to craft new weapons because lets say for example need steel to craft a hammer and it could be a steel exclusive thing o something. 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    When combining copper and tin to make bronze, I argue that it would in fact not be onto a tool of the other. It is in my opinion that the ingots should be combined, possibly in a new alloy furnace. Also, though this might go a little farther, I believe that the netherite ingot should also be made with a netherite scrap and gold ingot in said alloy furnace, forcing players to make netherite armor and enchant it from scratch. (If you think about it enchantments ARE the method of upgrading something once it has already been made, so that functionality is already somewhat covered.) The smithing table could then have its functionality completely changed, possibly to a variant of the stone cutter but for metal blocks. The current smithing table use has always irked me.

    At the very least though, bronze should not be created by putting copper onto tin tools or vice versa, and should be made independently as ingots.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    EMC1811 Thanks! That is the core of this idea, giving the smithing table increased uses beyond late-game netherite. I think there is too large of a gap between iron and diamond gear, and i'm assuming diamonds are going to be rarer in 1.17 to balance the mining strategy. Iron is a great early-game armor item, but Bronze could be ideal for mid-game, being able to upgrade your iron armor as you slowly procure diamond.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I think it should only give more durability. and then gilded tools could be faster, netherite gives knockback resistance and is more durable. So far this makes sense.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    It should be Rose Gold, not Copper, as that is what happens when you mix Copper and Gold in real life.

  • 2
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    GoofballFrog525 I think that Diamond and Netherite rival each other and don't need any new contenders, but that's just my opinion. Bronze isn't intended to be a late-game feature, more of a mid-game feature. 

    Tirado the Red This is not going to be Copper Armor, it is going to be bronze armor. It is not going to be copper on it's own, it is going to be bronze. Bronze ore does not occur in real-life, because it is an alloy and not a naturally-occuring metal. If we were to "simplify the whole alloy process" then that takes away the point of this suggestion, adding a less late-game use to the Smithing Table.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Naten4633 They never said anything of the sort. I don't think copper gear should be in Minecraft, but Bronze was a key part of history and it has a place in Minecraft. But, they never said that they wouldn't add copper gear, and even if they did, that and Bronze gear are completely different.

  • 2
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    TymJuniver So long as the idea doesn't become completely off-topic or irrelevant to this feedback category then you're all clear to edit the post. Go for it!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Thats a smart way to introduce new metals to the game without having to add a whole new range of metal ores into generation. Other alloys with different mixtures would be really cool like rose gold from gold and copper. Personally, I think the whole tool system should be revamped and alloy ingots could be created from combining various minerals, such as steel from charcoal and iron

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    i would love for the smithing table to be able to turn your tools and armour and stuff into something other than just netherite

  • 1
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    Maybe "copper plate iron"