Powder Snow Feedback

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  • 146
    Registered User commented
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    The frost on the corners on the screen when stuck inside a powder snow are the little things I love. I would love to see something similar to this when stuck in a gravel, sand, or anvil.

  • 124
    Registered User commented
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    Here’s two ideas related to Powered Snow! For one, They should be a possible entrance or indicator to a snow / ice themed cave biome, similarly to how the new azalea tree acts as an indicator for the new lush caves biome.

    Secondly, I don’t think the smaller mobs should be affected by its sinking as much as heavier mobs. For example, a chicken, being quite light, would take longer to sink than a cow or pig.

    Overall, good addition so far!

  • 111
    Registered User commented
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    If you are in the powdered snow too long you would start to get hypothermia and take damage, just a random idea

  • 99
    Registered User commented
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    What if powder snow generated in patches that get more common the higher up the mountain you go?

  • 72
    Registered User commented
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    Small change but they should be affected by gravity (and so should snow in java)

  • 45
    Registered User commented
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    You shouldn't be able to clime Powdered Snow like Scaffolding unless you are wearing Leather Boots. You can still jump, but not clime.

  • 42
    Registered User commented
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    Will there be layered powder snow? 

  • 37
    Registered User commented
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    I've seen this, and it could be also an interesting mechanic:


  • 32
    Registered User commented
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    Frost Walker enchantment should give a small speed boost (like soul speed) and the ability to not sink into powdered snow!

  • 31
    Registered User commented
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    The frost in the corners of the screen reminded me of the way fire is on the bottom of the screen when you're on fire. I think it would be cool if you guys could add a hypothermia effect that would damage you just like fire for when you get stuck in powdered snow or other low temperature blocks. 

  • 28
    Registered User commented
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    1) Powdered snow should be used to either create a Snow Golem or a unique variant of a Snow Golem.

    2) The respiration enchantment should increase the time you have in the snow if it does suffocate you, just like gravel and sand.

    3) And just because it's a new type of snow block, it should have a crafting recipe.

  • 25
    Registered User commented
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    Sorry I posted this on the issues page on accident first. Maybe add a freeze bar that shows how cold you are, like the air bar when submerged underwater. For this bar to appear, you have to be stuck in powder snow.

  • 22
    Registered User commented
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    I feel like Blazes should have a role with this feature too.

    • Blazes don't fall into powered snow (because they hover)
    • If they're in the block they will take damage and slowly melt the snow away
  • 21
    Registered User commented
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    I feel that this snow should directly give you a slowness and mining fatigue effect, I say this because if there are many layers and you get stuck, it would be the best for this type of snow; also if there are many layers of snow, there is a time limit until one begins to suffocate (similar to how it happens in reality ~ avalanche); speaking of avalanches, the new mountains can bring this "mechanics"? It would be interesting (although I doubt it).

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    Making it so rabbits don't sink in powder snow would be a good idea since it reflects real life where rabbits have big feet to not sink in snow

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    Shouldn'tbe possible to climb Powder Snow like Scaffolding, except if you have Leather Boots! It should also cause suffocation damage if you stay inside of it for too long

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    after going out of the powder snow you will still cold and move slowly for 2 minutes so you will need to bring campfire with you


  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    Frost Walker shouldn't increase your speed on it, but should allow you to stay on top of it without sinking.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    Powdered Snow, features & ideas

    •  Hypothermia Effect;

    When you fall into the powdered snow you will get the "Hypothermia Effect" acting like poison but significantly slower, however the longer you are inside the powdered snow the faster the affect will be. The only way to remove the effect is to be inside a certain light level, while a low light level will delay the effect and slow the process it will not remove it. How food/hunger affects the "Hypothermia effect" consuming certain foods will prolong the effect, these foods include:(Mushroom Stew, Rabbit Stew, Beetroot Soup). The only food item that will be able to cure the effect is Suspicious Stew that has granted the effect of Regeneration, once the stew has been consumed the "Hypothermia effect" will immediately be removed and replaced by the Regeneration effect; During that 8s the player will not be able to get the "Hypothermia effect" again even if they are inside the powdered snow block.

    • Snow walker/Snow shoes

    Snow shoes will help you cross snow faster making it easier to traverse mountainous chilly biomes, they also let you walk over powdered snow without falling in. The spikes on the bottom of the shoe allows the wearer to gain traction to icy blocks preventing them from slipping and sliding. If the Snow shoes are ever worn on hard surfaced blocks like (stone, gravel, cobblestone, terracotta, clay brick, etc.) the durability will decrease with every step you take while the Snow shoes are equipped.    



  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Powder Snow should be affected by gravity like sand and gravel.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Strays should not sink in it, as they are of a snowy biome variant. However arrows should be able to sink in to it.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    I think that would make sense that when a Skeleton stays in powder snow for the same time a Zombie converts into a Drowned, it converts into a Stray, this can make farm this mobs a lot easier for people who wants the arrows they drop if they have a skeleton spawner, and also i think it make sense and would be cool

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    I prefer being able to collect blocks of powdered snow (stackable) with a silk touch tool and not have to get them separately with a bucket, and be able to craft them too. It would be kind of annoying for them to be not stackable, people probably wouldn't use it much. But I like the snow bucket mechanic so much that maybe there could be another type of "snowier snow," a flowing snow like water & lava. It would bring similar cold effects and would have the same bucket mechanics. Maybe it could flow faster than water, and be able to freeze more lava, or at least also turn lava into obsidian. Plus it would be cool for a new fluid to finally be introduced.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Also, blazes should be damaged faster by powdered snow, to be consistent with snowballs.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    The effect of fog being rendered when inside Powder Snow should be used for when suffocating inside a Block too

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    What if we receive damage from the powdered snow unless we have leather armour?

    Just Random Thoughts

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    1. The entire set of leather armor should protect against freezing, and the individual pieces only slow it down.

    2. Snow Golems, Strays, Polar Bears, Snow Foxes, Snow Villagers and Iron Golems should not take damage from powdery snow.

    3. When a regular Szielet falls into powdery snow, it should turn into a Stray after death, just like a Zombie after drowning turns into a Drowned.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Also, this is just an idea but what if skeletons aren't effected by the powered snow? They are literally made from bones but  wither skeletons should be effected by the snow because of their height.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    You shouldn't be able to just sprint jump on top of powder snow without falling through, it kind of renders the whole thing pointless

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I like the idea that some smaller mobs, like chickens, endermites and maybe even spiders can't fall through the powder snow because they're too light.