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XP Storage


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    Registered User commented
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    This needs to be a thing because Mojang said when the player makes/get something or something happens there must be a way to prevent it from happening and we have chests for weapons and all our stuff, but there is no real way for us to prevent loss up xp upon dying.

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    Registered User commented
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    I think the player could store a fraction of their xp (lets say 7%) in a rare and unique place or item (the xp fountain or something idk). That way, dying is still detrimental and frightening, but you dont start back from 0. We shouldnt be able to store all our xp tho because it would make death much less important

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    Registered User commented
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    I like it however I also think that we should be able to bottle xp but holding right click with a bottle in our hand which would pick up xp on the ground.

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    Registered User commented
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    I just lost over 100 levels of XP fighting (and defeating) the wither. But the only thing I could use that xp for was enchanting items...and I already had all the best enchantments on all my items (armour and weapons).

    Minecraft should have some form of XP storage such that XP collected and used to gain levels can be used to heal weapons and armour. I imagine the xp storage would act something like a battery that could be charged and discharged when needed; a storage divice that you can transfer xp from your levels to the your items that need healing.

    It would also be great if Mojang came up with other uses for level xp.

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    Registered User commented
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    I think using amethyst could be a good way to implement this 

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    Registered User commented
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    I want new storage because I needed to record more of my YouTube videos

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    Registered User commented
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    It should be so that if you right click a bottle, you choose hoe much to store