This category is for feedback regarding Minecraft Dungeons, an all-new action-adventure game, inspired by classic dungeon crawlers. To talk about dungeons IN the current game of Minecraft, please use the Structures category. Be sure to separate your ideas so people know what they're voting for. Bugs, support issues, gameplay questions, ideas that already have threads in progress, and things covered by the FAQ will be removed. Thanks, and enjoy Minecraft Dungeons!


Librarian at camp


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  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    This could work with a villager that uses a grindstone to remove enchantments as that is feature in Minecraft. I would also like to see a way to maybe randomise the enchantments on gear for a bunch of emeralds.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Why do you need all those tools? My playstyle is stormlander, exploding crossbow, corrupted beacon, soul amulet, wither armour or phantom armour and a llama. I scrap everything else (besides afk gear). You shouldn't need to hoard unless your a collector, but even then why enchant it. I do like the idea of more trades or things to do at camp but the reasons behind it is garbage. Still get my vote though.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I think that I want more stuff to spend emeralds on in general. I think that a Librarian sounds really cool, I just want more stuff to do at the camp.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I think the Librarian should change the enchantments you can get on a tool of your choice. 

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    if there was also with it with say gold (or a new resource like diamonds) you could re-roll the enchantment. i think that would be a great addition to the game!