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The ability to "re-roll" enchantments


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  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    It could be a Priest villager you earn in camp by beating a place like soggy swamp.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    use a grind stone

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    This would be a great idea as I wouldn't have to salvage every single item I get until I get my specific enchantment that I want in Minecraft Dungeons.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe a feature which lowers the power level of the item by 2 or 3 every time you re-roll

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I think that's a good idea, however, I don't think it should be free.  Maybe it should cost an enchantment point.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I'd also like this as a feature because I have the absolute worst luck.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    getting the right 3 enchants on a unique item seems impossible. If you could spend 1 enchantment point or something to re-roll, would be awesome

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    i don't think it should be exp because in my experience you get a level around once per stage which is around 30 minutes so you get one re-roll every 30 minutes and that is not being spent on gear. so ether a new currency or lots and lots of emeralds. I also think that it does not work on weapons that are enchanted (or without some cost to it) . I see it as when you enchant a weapon it becomes part of you in a way as it's your levels and (because trading does not exist in this game) only you can use it.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Having this cost an enchantment point could be interesting because of increasing xp costs per enchantment level. It could make mid-game much more valuable and worth investing in instead of rushing to end game and getting bored by grinding immediately. I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to take just an enchantment point or if it would take both an enchantment point and reduce your player level accordingly, but I think it would be most interesting if it were the latter.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    1. It would save us dungeoneers a lot of time if we are given somehow an ability to reroll enchantments! Perhaps it would cost 10k emralds or a rare drop from a specific mob, maybe even after completing a super hard level. Grinding for the right weapon consume(s) days or perhaps even weeks to finally get, let alone farming for the right weapon and the right enchantments at that. (Which usually just discourages me and the people I play with to feel no need to grind the game out just because of how time consuming it can be).

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    maybe it would cost x3 the sell value of the item and if there are enchantments on it it would still reroll but you lose the enchantment points used

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Yes yes a million times Yes. this would be valueble. they already have one that rerolls the power on items. it would make since to get a friendly witch or a liberarian to reroll enchants.


  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I literally got my first piece of armor that has over 1000 added health (Titans Shroud) but the first enchantment slot has Flame focus or that defense boost one, but I want something like Refreshment or something of utility. I really need this to be a thing, but I think it should be post game for balancing reasons

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I feel it would be more appreciated in normal Minecraft with the use of copper to reroll the enchantments for items.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I think it should cost 10 levels/enchantment points. Some emeralds and some gold and will only be accessible when your apocalypse +15 or higher. I would love this as it would make one of my favourite games less of a grind

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This is possible now via the enchantsmith.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I was thinking about how they could give more options to spend enchantment points as I am now level 250 so nothing to spend them on.

    I think a better way to implement this idea, player pays 5 enchantment points which would allow you to purchase an extra slot option and 10 points for a second enchantment option to an existing slot. This would mean a maxed out weapon would still only have 3 different enchantments slots but each slot could have up to 5 enchantment options to choose from.

    When the item is gifted or sold enchantment points spent are returned an item gets reset.

    if the item is put in the blacksmith and re-enchanted again by the same player the enchantment options should not change. Using the blacksmith should not allow you to endlessly swap out enchantment options

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Why not use the Splatoon system where when you reroll, the current slots will reroll (if you only have 5 filled, only those 5 can reroll). The current enchantment will drop as enchant fragments. If you get 10 enchant fragments you can the make it replace a current slot or an empty slot.

    The payment can be:
    -2000 emerald
    -the new gold ingot from the Nether update
    -gilded gears
    -unique + emeralds

    I don't suggest payment via enchant points because the amount of xp needed for 1 enchant point increases as you level up.

    P/S: payment via gears should also increase the odds of the enchantment of the sacrificed gear to appear on the rerolled gear. That way we have some control over the chance.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    1. Good idea but I have a better idea to get for The End Update like adding the Enchater (Merchant) And It can be located where abandoned portal is and also it can be unlocked in Apocalypse + ,Also this Merchant can replace enchantments from ur trash weapons that u don't use but it may caust (if is a Common is 6 enchantment points and if is Powerful is 12 enchaments points ) 1,000 emeralds per replace (reroll).And u must go 5 missions to get what you ordered. Also this merchant can add enchantment slots by adding that you have on your weapons that you don't use but it will caust 2 enchantment points and 500 emeralds. Also this merchant can add up to 4 enchantment slots (Because every weapons starts with one enchantment slot so 1+4=5) And to get those slots go to Apocalypse +21 to get 4 slots and Apocalypse +42 to get 5 slots (Pls Mojang add Apocalypse +26 to Apocalypse +50)


  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    This is nice and all, but with how many enchantments they're adding the RNG to getting what you want would just raise and becomes even more expensive.
    I would prefer if there was a simple and clear way to get the enchantments you want without the hours upon hours to get just one item that you want and not to mention the many other items you want to get.
    For example, putting a chance to successfully remove an enchantment from an item and putting it in another item would finally make it possible to try many different combinations without grinding for hours upon hours just to get one combination of enchantments and it's not even in the item you want.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah this would be very handy I recently started a challenge where i could only use my Squid Coast sword but I got HORRIBLE!!! enchants so i really wanted to re roll them. Maybe he could be a Librarian or a Priest in Highblock Halls with all the books and stuff

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    That would be a great idea but it could be like a new villager in camp called the "enchanter"


  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I don't necessarily agree with this idea because re-doing dungeons and stages to get the equipment you want is a pretty big percent of this games activity and if you were able to just reroll what would you have to do in the game now after you get the gear you want?

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I agree with this.

    This is needed so bad! Many many times have I found the unique armor or weapon I wanted but the enchantments were really bad, so the item became completely unusable, just instant salvage.

    Make it cost enchantment points and emeralds, for gilded it would cost gold too and everytime you reroll the item the cost would become higher.

    This wouldn't guarantee that you would get perfect enchantments on your items, but it would certainly make it a hell alot less frustrating. I could see the cost being really high until you get the right enchantments, so it's still RNG but not as bad as it's right now.

    If I don't get the enchantments I want on a unique I just use Cheat Engine to get the enchantments I want anyway, can't be bothered to farm for the same item for days hoping for it to roll the right enchantments, plus the gilded enchantment to be the right one too.

    Also gilded enchantments should be able to be rerolled.