This category is for feedback regarding Minecraft Dungeons, an all-new action-adventure game, inspired by classic dungeon crawlers. To talk about dungeons IN the current game of Minecraft, please use the Structures category. Be sure to separate your ideas so people know what they're voting for. Bugs, support issues, gameplay questions, ideas that already have threads in progress, and things covered by the FAQ will be removed. Thanks, and enjoy Minecraft Dungeons!


Cross Save, at least Cloud Save



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  • Official comment
    Registered User commented
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    We don't have a set date for this feature but cloud saving is in the works and it will allow saves to be accessed across all supported platforms.

  • 33
    Registered User commented
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    Yes i agree there needs to be the option to upload your save data and use it on a new console. I have it on xbox since it was free and now i have it on the switch but i have to start from scratch. At least give the option to use the same data or start a new save. Give us a choice

    EDIT:I want to be able to transfer my save or (play on one and continue on the other) between my switch and my PC i bought it on both and my switch sometimes lags so it would be nice to continue on the PC if i need too.

  • 44
    Registered User commented
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    I totally agree with this. I have two computers, a desktop and a laptop, and I've started the game on my desktop but I can't continue with the same character on my laptop...

    And if there was cloud saving across platform, I will totally buy the game a second time on my switch :D


  • 35
    Registered User commented
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    Totally agree with this. There's no point in playing a character if there's no cloud saving and you grind for hours and lose your character, since there's always a risk losing your local files. I'm thinking about requesting a refund just because of this game not having a cloud save feature.

  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    I agree. I play on PC (desktop and laptop) and I need to use a pendrive to copy the character to continue playing.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed. It make no sense not to have cloud save at least within save systems, it is a common feature. The disappointment is huge. I was playing while away of my family in a different XBOX, now, even when a I use the same account on different console, I need to restart from scratch. With all other games in the platform having this feature, it sounds just lazy not to include this on the game.  

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    I agree with this. I was surprised when I switched from my Xbox to my PC that I had to start a new character. Makes that option completely unrealistic.

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    As someone who is playing in Microsoft ecosystem it’s frustrating I play on Xbox, desktop pc and a laptop. All with the same Microsoft account. This is a no brained and disappointing. Been looking forward to this game for a long time. I have bought this game three times one on each platform and one for my son who I see on the weekends. Not being able to pick up we’re we left off when he’s with me is really a disappointment.  

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    I understand that there is no cross-save or cross play but saves within the same platform should be synced, from desktop to laptop or from Xbox to another Xbox with the same account it should be the same save file.

    I cannot remember the last time a game did not had cloud saves, and this is coming fro Microsoft.

    The game is very good but the lack of some features like cross-save, cross play or play anywhere is puzzling.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    I totally agree i think its ridiculous image if other games didn't save to the account i mean at least like PC to PC or Xbox to Xbox,Nintendo switch,ps4   

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I ran into a very slimier issue where I went through a good chunk of the game on my xbox, which I don't normally use, only to find out the progress was useless on my PC.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Seems kind of silly we're even having to ask for this considering MS with all their cloud storage is associated with it.  Be nice to know that if my pc died the cloud had my back to keep playing.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I get Dungeons for free on xbox and pc with xbox game pass, I had no intention of buying the game on other platforms because of needing to restart my characters.  But I promise you, if cross-saves are enabled I will have purchased it on the switch within minutes. 

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    honestly, the fact that this game shipped without this working is ridiculous.  You played 10 hours and got loot, oh you need to rebuild your hard drive? YOU. ARE. SCREWED.


  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    This is essential on this type of game. Should be added right away!

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Most of the games I play are Microsoft Game Pass games, and I’m constantly jumping between Xbox and PC with them. I’m kind of dumbstruck that this wasn’t included in Minecraft Dungeons, and the lack of this feature has really dampened my enthusiasm for the game. PLEASE add this feature that’s nearly ubiquitous in Microsoft games.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    I just lost my save of the last 2 days. The app got uninstalled by accident when messing with the launcher. When I logged back in all my information was gone.

    Very sad that saves are not saved to the cloud on your account. What a waste of my time.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I lost more than 20 hours of progress in the game (everything was unlocked, and the character was done maximum) due to an error that removed my character, and after reinstalling there was nothing. That's why the game has the worst rating ever. I understand the lack of cloud in 1999, but it's 2020. I gave you a chance after many errors on the Xbox PC, but it was the last game I played. Maybe for a million dollars I will come back to you.
    The game is great; / but it is a waste of time when there is no data recording and synchronization.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed cloud save is essential in this type of game. Since my parents got divorced I live in two places with two computers. I played 20-25 hours on one of my PC-s and then I had to go to my other parent. I installed the game (with the same account) and I was shocked because I didn't see any of my progress. I looked up on the Internet and found out that there is no cloud save. I have to say I was really sad and angry. So this needs a change as soon as possible. I really want to play,but like this.

    I don't think I'll play like this anymore.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    In response to the official comment.


    I have a desktop and a laptop and would like to have synced save between the 2.  Both windows 10

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Cloud and Cross save support between Xbox and PC should be standard for any PC/Xbox first party release.

    Cross save with the other platforms have additional complexity, and should come after.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I decided to fully purchase the windows 10 edition with the hero pass after trying it with game pass. Windows had trouble updating the game with this information, so I decided to uninstall and reinstall real quick since it's only 3GB. All my progress was gone. It was like starting the game for the first time. So cloud saves would be greatly appreciated.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Yes, i'd love to be able to sit on the couch with the Xbox and play the character I started on the PC.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    We need cloud save on all platforms. What´s the point of having an account if the content can be wiped? I´m not recommending this game to anyone until cloud save is implemented. It´s 2020, EVERYTHING has cloud save.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed I have multiple computers, Xbox and Switch. I actually wasn't surprised by no Switch sync but PC to Xbox was a big surprise given Microsoft's strategy and even a bigger surprise no PC to PC cloud save. Cloud saves are standard practice these days.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I heard too many problems about lost savings and progress, so, we NEED  a cloud save system. It's unfair with the players to lose hours, days of progress because we don't have a cloud save system. 

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I agree that at a minimum same platform cloud saves should be supported as I am constantly swapping from PC to Laptop. This also would prevent the bad taste where users have uninstalled the app and lost all their progress. 

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Cloud synchronization is absolutely necessary, the link must be on the user's account, the game should already come this way, it does not make much sense for the game to be locally saved by Microsoft itself since other games don't work this way, also is for multiplatform and even with xCloudn projects , it doesn't make sense to be local. I was frustrated, I played on my xbox, when trying to play on the PC I must start over.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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      Dear @Nova "inkycatz" Barlow i think it should at least be locked to the same platform for example same a bought on a PC then my dated would on be on PC and then same with other platforms  if you guys at mojang and Xbox studios cloud make the save login to any platform grab and go that would be great i totally understand if you cant i am currently working on a game and i thought it was really well built game and was beautiful if you could add this it would be great.
    Thanks a Bunch. 
  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Two PCs, two different characters, it's a nonsense! In the cloud era, the choice of developers to save progress only locally is not clear.