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new villager profession - treasurer


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    Registered User commented
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    Well, considering villager's job site blocks sometimes generate in a village, I think making the treasurer a villager profession that can only be made if you let an unemployed villager use a shulker box, and that profession doesn't naturally generate. Also, I think maybe selling netherite armor for emeralds is kind of unbalanced, maybe you could buy netherite armour for a diamond piece of armour + say a stack of emeralds, and the elytra for 3 shulker boxes and a stack of emeralds or something like that.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I personally think that End things like elytras should stay in the End, and Nether things like netherite should stay in the Nether. The point of the Nether Update is for people to go to the Nether. With the treasurer, it kind of takes part of that away.

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    Registered User commented
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    tony1048576 thank you for your feedback

    the shulker box would not generate in villages

    the netherite armour and elytra would be very expensive and as i mentioned each villager would only sell one from those options at master level also have you ever tried doing literal anything with villagers? they are soooo annoying i think it would be a worthwhile reward for the effot you would have to put in to get 10 villagers of the same type all with the right master level trade.

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    nathan lewis 

    you have a very good point.

    however, i think that people would not go to the nether much less.

    most people never get to the end and therefor would be unable to get shulker boxes. people would still get there first elytra and first set of netherite from there respective dimensions. however for advanced players it could provide a satiety net that allowed them to not have to spend LITERAL HOURS strip mining in the nether and searching in the end every time they die. having tried this same thing with diamond armour it still takes a good half hour to get all the best enchantments

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    Registered User commented
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    Bom otod First of all, emeralds are not that hard to get once you have a automatic pumpkin, melon, or sugar cane farm. So, even if you sold an elytra for 10 stacks of emeralds, seeing as just AFKing overnight a few times next to your auto farm will get you like 5 double chests full of pumpkins, and farmers sell an emerald for 6 pumpkins, you can get loads of emeralds in no-time. It's true that getting a villager to master level is hard, but I think if they sell that kind of items for just emeralds, then you could get tons of netherite and elytra with only the cost of a shulker box. That would also make netherite armor and tools and elytra a Renewable resource, which I think the developers might not want. (Currently, only the netherite hoe is renewable.)

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    Registered User commented
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    once you have an elytra and have been to an end city elytra can be obtained in about 10 minutes with only a few fireworks. and dont forget that the job block is a shulker box.

    yes it would make them renewable, but only to players who put i the work.

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    Registered User commented
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    this is the best idea ever !!!!!

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    Registered User commented
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    If you really wanted to make these 2 things renewable and keep it sorta hard to get the best way( in my opinion) would be to be able to get netherite scraps from smelting netherite tools, you can get a hoe from pigging trades I think, and to make a crafting recipe for elytras, something like 6 phantom membrane and a poped chorus fruit( which means you still have to get to the end to get it.) Doing things like this makes them renewable resources but also keeps the spirit of making them hard to get( except the elytra, since they are already easy to get once you found an end city plus they are repaired with phantom membranes)