I got an idea for a game mechanic, that most players would love, and it’s missing. I mean : villgares should follow you when holding emerald. Their green eyes should be brighter while following a player ( they should change from casual green to more emerald like ). Now transporting villagers is just torture. I think, that it’s a great idea. Please consider it, I’ll live to see it in game. Taking villagers on lead would be cruel, because they are living beings that are peaceful, so emerald following is great. If you think, that showing villagers as greedy people id bad, let’s change a bit this concept. What if villagers would follow player, if he’ll hold item that they want to buy ? Not exactly emeralds, maybe for leatherworker leather? It would depend on current villager trades. It’s not to op, because villagers since last updates have various trades, and taking two of same profession is useless ( except librarians ), so you can take max. 2 villagers per „distance”. Again, consider that idea, people would love it, and thanks for reading my ferdback.
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