This category is for Realms and dedicated server feedback. Please send support issues to, as support posts, bugs, and individual server issues will be removed. Remember that when it comes to "adding more servers" or realm restrictions we are constrained by the rules of the various platforms Minecraft is available on. Thanks!


The function of automatically raising the server after a failure.


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  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah, I have this type of script on my server on ubuntu. But the issue is that the server won't understand when it's time to crash. So the server just keeps running even with having 0 tick under like 10 minutes. :/

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Hello, i Have a big problem on Minecraft, as soon as I go to my server it loads everythings is normal until the chunks do not appear and I also have an error message, is this normal ? If yes, please correct it as.