Something that would be very useful to me (and I'm sure many other people) would be a particle that produces light. I thought that redstone dust particles, or one of the myriad of flame/lava particles, or the new minecraft:flash particle would emit light, but it turns out that they don't.
So, I suggest adding a new particle that might not actually be used in the game, but could be summoned with /particle minecraft:light <light level> [<pos>] <speed>, where <light level> and [<pos>] are self explanatory and <speed> is just the amount of game ticks that it exists. There is no need for the [<delta>], <count>, or [force|normal] options because the particle is just a single (white?) pixel that doesn't have an animation and is visible to everyone because it produces light.
The particle being a single, stationary white pixel makes sense to me because it is small and if a map maker wanted to make it transparent or give it a fancy orb looking texture they could use a resource pack. It would also allow people (read: me) to create dynamic lights in vanilla, but only through commands, so it wouldn't be too op. All around, seems like a good idea.
To summarize, I am suggesting the addition of a particle that emits light and has no default animation, for the use of mapmakers and command users. This particle would expand Minecraft's use as a platform rather than a game, and open up lots of different possibilities for lots of different people.
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