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Diversified nutrition (make food useful)


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    Registered User commented
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    Cool bro!

    Nice idea on grouping the food types.

    Food effects and the combination of those effects would motivate players to eat others stuff not like ONLY GOLDEN CARROTS (eat you salad kids), but also to motivate even more, would be interesting to make a specific type of food less effective if is the only thing the players has been eating for a while.

    The honey (introduced in snapshot 19w34a) fills a player saturation, a step on the right direction.

    Cake, a non stackable food should also give a really good effect to motivate.

    Regarding the effects during a MC day, not feeling that. How about the introduction of a threshold, the same way when you only have 3 food icons left you cant sprint any more. If not a player could keep jumping to eat lots of food to stack on effects. I don't know really, kinda lost my train of though in this last one. But regardless hope to see this idea on the game.

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    Registered User commented
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    I think the basic premise of diversified nutrition is great, but I think the way it should work is, if you eat too much of one type of food, it begins to have less effect on your hunger. e.g. If all you eat is steak, eventually it will only restore half a shank. To counteract this, you'd have to eat a variety of food. 

    Say, five different variants of food before steak starts to work properly again

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    Registered User commented
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    Great ideas in comments! Appreciate that. Food should play more complex role, definately