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Tame Foxes


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    Registered User commented
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    I figure this is going to be a popular thread so I shortened the subject to make it easier to pick up in search.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    Yes yes yes, foxes!

    Okey I want to contribute :D
    I think if they add just ONE more animal we can tame, foxes would be one of the few they could add... Along with rats, capybaras, kangaroos and maybe a few others.
    But foxes already are in the game! So why not make them be pets?
    Tame foxes with similar traits to dogs do exist, but only after a long process of domestication!
    So I think you should be able to tame foxes after a while, maybe it would even take 2 or 3 generations in order to get your actual pet fox!
    Right now you can get a fox to trust you if you helped it get conceived. What if you breed two trusting foxes? I think the resulting baby fox should be naturally more likely to want to follow you! And its offspring? They will hunt for you and bring you their kill! And their offspring could carry items for you and give them back when you right click them, also making your fox sit on the spot! :D

    Just some ideas ;) 

    I think the fox pet shouldn't be as easy to get as cats and dogs, because foxes are wild animals after all! But I do think they should be tamable in the same way cats and dogs can!

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I would like the way of taming foxes to be this: breed two foxes with a tame of 0 and you get a baby with a tame of 1. breed two foxes with a tame of 1 and you get a tame of two, and so on until it reaches 10. When you breed two foxes, the baby comes out with a tame that's one higher than the lowest tamed fox (if that makes sense)

    T=tame amount

    T0 = wild (original fox)

    T1 = doesn't run away from you while walking but still does when you sprint

    T2 = doesn't run away from you unless has a baby

    T3 = doesn't run away from you at all

    T4 = follows you

    T5 = follows you and hunts like a dog (whatever you hit)

    T6 = protects you from hostile mobs

    T7 = Sits when you click them

    T8 = prefers to sit in beds (like cats)

    T9 = sleeps in your bed when you sleep

    T10 = spins in circles occasionally (just to be extra adorable)


    And each of these add up, they don't switch from one ability to another, they add another ability. example: T7 bred with T7, you now have a cat who also prefers to sit on your bed (as well as everything before that Tame level.)

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    If they gat tamed, the Foxes' unique behavior is to pick up the mob drops of whatever you killed if you killed it with a crossbow or a bow.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    it would make sense too. In some areas of the world people have pet foxes. IM NOT KIDDING! ITS TRUE!

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I hope this is gonna be the next update😍😆

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Great idea! I really hope this one gets announced!!!!!

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I would also like to tame foxes. Came here to suggest that very thing! And, um, please add foxes and make them be tamed by sweet berries!

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    You already can "tame" them by breeding two foxes and raising the baby. I honestly wouldn't change a thing about how foxes work except by adding the sit/stand and follow/teleport mechanics of wolves. The worst part of any tamable mob that doesn't follow you is the very real risk of their AI getting themselves lost (looking at you horses).

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I NEED this!!!! Everyone does im sure xd


  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I like this idea a lot. My sister really wanted this a lot too. If this one gets picked for an update then she and I would be very happy.



  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I would love to see tame foxes, but I do not agree that it should be as complicated as others have suggested. Minecraft does not use realism as a strong basis for its mechanics and I see little reason for foxes to break that trend.

    Keep the wild foxes as wild, keep the friendly foxes you breed from them, but make the friendly foxes tamable directly. Some people suggest chicken, others suggest berries. Either (or maybe both) are fine.

    I do not believe a pet mob should ever be decorative, so I don't just want them tame for taming sake. I also don't think having them just be the same as wolves is good, because then why have wolves? They shouldn't help hunt like wolves do, but should instead pick up items for you.

    Finally, since cats scare creepers, and dogs scare skeletons, I think foxes should scare spiders. While I said before that realism is not a strong basis for Minecraft, this is a minor call back to the fact that foxes in reality are omnivorous and eat bugs.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Here's a way to make them act like they're tamed using commands! The steps are really simple, I promise! They basically just act like tamed wolves, even attacking things for you :) Hope this holds you over!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I also think that the way we tame them currently is unrealistic, saddistic and irrelevant: the fact we have to kill the parents and take the baby with a lead show a very bad picture of the animal to childrens playing this game. It should be tamable by giving it cooked chicken. They are zoo where the vets can create a bound easily with foxes if they give them foods and play with them. That common idea of showing them as unwanted nasty animals should be erased from any book, they are very helpful in very various way like regulating wild rats population. They are also cute and playful. They never seek to fight, they fight if you hit them. Again, I don't see the mean of that free violence against foxes.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    It would be awesome to tame foxes, but I also think it should be really difficult to do so. Definitely harder than cats. Maybe 3 or more stages of trust?

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Tamed foxes could hold one item that you can swap and take by pressing use on it. They could also collect items if they weren't already holding an item.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed 100%!!!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Pls consider to tame foxes there my favourite animal and there adorable 

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I really do think this a good, I love the idea of tamed foxes. Here's just a few ideas I thought of that I think would be cool. First I think that tamed foxes can either stay the same color, or possible change to more domesticated colors, like brown, tan, or even (on rare occasions) A mix, like a marble fox (look it up). I like the idea of tamed foxes picking up items and even hunting, maybe have different items at different times of the day or difference in rarity. I also think since cats sit at random, and parrots dance to music, maybe foxes could just randomly wonder off, but come back with in ten-fifteen minutes(maybe this could be when they hunt). Another idea i had, which probably won't be put into the game, is maybe foxes can go unnoticed by certain mobs, or even be able to turn partial or even wholly invisible.


    I also agree with some or what the people are saying below about the foxes, make sure to check out what they've got to say aswell, and even give them a vote if you like the idea as well.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    PLEAAAAASE. We all want this.

    Why can we only half tame them??? What's the point of only being able to do it half way?

    We should be able to tame them like cats and dogs. It'll objectively make the game better. Who cares if it's not as realistic. This game has mixed levels of fantasy already, like endermen. Some level fantasy makes the game better and really wouldn't hurt.


  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    @Pascal Anema that is a fine idea

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    You already can, in a way. You can breed two foxes together and either kill the parents or steal the child using a lead, and the baby fox will "trust" you.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I would say after 50 generations of breeding, the fox will be tamed, making it the rarest tameable mob in Minecraft.

    It should be identical to a dog but it can jump like a fox, and its collar could be dyed too

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Why not make taming foxes a harder process? Perhaps foxes require certain meats and certain condition (amount of days) to trust a player.


  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    this is the best idea

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Plz let foxes be tamed

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I like this idea but i have my own fox taming idea also,i think it shouldn't be instant and should take a while like 30 or 45 minecraft days you could feed them and make a room for them and slowly the fox will trust you more like walking on a lead without trying to run away or if you shift click it could lie down or if you just click it could sit but it'd still run around and not follow you and if you wanted it to follow you you'd have to put it on a lead. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I agree, they are also my favorite animals, we should have a more pacific way to tame them instead of poaching them! :) Like wolf, let's give them some berries and then they have a collar.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Yea i would really like it if we could tame foxes. What good is the "trust" feature if they dont follow you

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    YES! Foxes need to be tamable. They are my favorite animal as well! Which is why I'm so glad they added them to Minecraft. Yet, they can be real-life pets, so they should be tamable.