Strictly for humanoid and humanoid type mobs feedback and suggestions. Bugs, duplicate ideas, lists of things, and support issues will be deleted.


Necromancer (War Ravaged Biome)


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    What if they had their own mansion? Similar to the Illagers, but like the inverse of it?

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    Registered User commented
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    Well, they have their own building, but it's not a mansion. However, it will have an Illager theme but more twisted. I actually have an article over Necromancers, check it out! :)

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    What is the totem of Exanimate?

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    I was going to do another article on items but I guess talking about one won't hurt...

       The Totem of Exanimate is somewhat rare item that has a not-very decent durability (yes, I said durability) of 153 points (this may be changed). When you hold the Totem of Exanimate it loses one point of durability every 20 seconds when a Undead mob is around. When a Undead mob is around, they don't attack you, instead, if there's a alive hostile mob it'll help you fight them. This list will show all the mobs this includes (one of them are (I guess) alive): Zombie, Drowned, Husk, Zombie Villager, Skeleton, Stray, Wither Skeleton, Zombie Pigman, Phantom, and Ghast. However, the more Undead mobs there are the faster the durability goes, since with one mob it takes 15 seconds to lose one durability point, if you add one it drops to 14 seconds and so on, until you get to 15 where then it just loses one durability point every second. Also, if you place a Totem of Exanimate in a Item Frame, it will deter undead mobs without losing durability. The range is 15 blocks. Just a bit of trivia, if a fox has a Totem of Exanimate and a zombie pigman is nearby and you attack the fox, the pigman will become aggro. I hope this answers your question AridPluto91. I hoping this will become a thing, however, I need A LOT of support so it's very unlikely. Anyways, thanks for asking, I had fun typing, have a nice day! :)

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    I don't think that they should spawn in a raid with other illagers. That wouldn't make sense.

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    Registered User commented
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    The Necromancer actually doesnt spawn in a Raid, if it just happens to be there, it will be counted BUT it will attack the Raiders. I hope this sorts out the confusion :)

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    Registered User commented
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    Give them a structure like a crypt or underground prison