This quick guide should help you figure out when something is a parity request and when it is a bug.
Please be sure to check and include the bug report link.
This feature does not work as designed for the platform it was designed on. Please continue to file all of these issues at (bug reports and support issues will continue to be removed from the feedback site, often without notice).
This feature works one way on one platform, and another way on a different platform. Here are some examples.
- You would like to see this feature work the way it works on Java now on Bedrock. Add the words (Java Parity) to your subject line.
- You would like to see this feature work the way it works on Bedrock now on Java. Add the words (Bedrock Parity) to your subject line.
For new features, please use the proper category. For beta and unreleased features please continue to use the snapshot and beta categories.
Parity is a word that we use a lot here. We use it to mean "ways we can make Minecraft be the same experience as much as possible, regardless of what 'engine' you are using to play". Please help us get things to the right team faster so they can do this for you!
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