When you are making your redstone suggestions, please note that Java and Bedrock will not have the exact same the same redstone systems - this would require redoing redstone system completely on one platform or the other. The two systems are functionally different and are going to stay that way. Please be sure to tag your suggestions with (Java) or (Bedrock).


Reintroduce Cogs as "Vertical Redstone"


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    Registered User commented
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    It's difficult to imagine a redstone signal activating a cog.

    If there was a block that sits flush to the floor that has a gear poking out the top (or any direction) then that could be powered and represent the starting point for a cog chain. The block could be called a gearbox.

    That is the system input. What about the system output? Where do the cogs go? This is where my imagination falls blank. How is rotational energy used in minecraft?

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Hey, with the Caves and Cliffs update and the introduction of Copper, maybe instead of Cogs it will be Copper Wiring instead. Just craft it with Redstone and Copper Ingot to create a Copper Wire whose sole purpose is for vertical redstone.

    I just researched on Cogs and maybe repurpose them as a way more compact Redstone Clock in which you can set its tick intervals. You can disable its ticking by powering it with a redstone signal into it.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I think i have though of some new mechanics for cogs:

    Cogs can be placed on any side of a block but cannot function on their own. They would need a redstone signal from a new block called a converter which is half a white slab with a red dot (similar to a repeater or comparitor) and half Cog. 

    Cogs also have a signal strengths like redstone but its cut in half from 16 to 8 (you can tell the strength by its speed or red dot on converter). This is going off the logic that more power is needed to move a larger chain of cogs. Any signal strength coming from a redstone line will be divided by 2 and if dividing the strength is less than one then nothing will happen.

    The converter can both take in and put out redstone signals to the cogs. If two converters put in two seperate redstone signals into the same chain of cogs then the whole line of cogs will stop moving entirely since they got jammed. The line of cogs will also stop moving if at least one cog isn't moving due to a lack of signal strength.

    Two converters could possibly be placed gear-to-gear so that redstone signals can be instantly be cut in half. Cogs could also be water logged and blast resistant.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Cogs should be 3D, similar to the Create Mod.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Use essentially a modified piston, or as SpawnLegacy000 said, a "gearbox" to start it turning, and a modified pressure plate, to take back out a signal. The way this "gear switch" would work is that a little pokey-outey-thing would hit a bump on the pressure plate and produce a Redstone signal. Also, to make this not incredibly OP, like most vertical Redstone ideas, It wouldn't be instant. The gears would need time to turn and hit the pressure plate.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    If Emmet8random is suggesting a DC to AC converter then it sounds like the realistic way to do it, other than a repeater clock of course...

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Would be great if the cogs were able to be placed underwater.

    Also for the input and output, literally just make it so that the middle of the cog has Redstone in it with something like a wire connecting the Redstone to the cog, this wire would be under the cog.

    I personally hope this can become a possibility someday, it would make Redstone contraptions so much more simple to work with and if Cogs can be used underwater it would open up the possibilities of underwater builds much more.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Great idea. I was gonna write a new suggestion about that exact topic but saw yours and voted instead. 

    Please add this feature Mojang...

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Yes!! This is what we need

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    This is a great idea. also i dont know how to change my username.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    is a good idea, considering that crying obsidian was reintroduced even the cog could be reintroduced, also i agree with the texture.

    (I am working on a videogame with redstone lamps so I need vertical redstone because I want to make the videogame on a wall not a roof)

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I want cogs back in to the game ever since I heard about them they have always been my favorite block and I just don't like the fact that Minecraft removed them back in like 2009 or 2010 I wish they could be added back into the game maybe as a more expensive to craft Redstone variant that can be vertical it will change Minecraft and Redstone forever I dearly hope they add the cog back into the game I really think it will suit Minecraft very well like Mojang its not hard just add one singular item/block back its easy i really hope more people vote for this Minecraft Redstone would be more interesting if cogs were added once again if cogs get added I believe that Redstone will be more versatile better ways to make design on walls more cool Redstone builds plz add cogs back Mojang plz add them back plz!!!

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Why not make cogs activated by a lever? It makes much more sense

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Would be a perfect use for copper