Nether Biome: The Soul Wastes! A fungal, haunted wastland! (Includes TONS of Content, Textures and Models)
INTRODUCTION: (Skip this part if you wanna get to the meat...)
In the current state of the Nether, we will find ourselves in an enclosed space filled with red rock.
If you have seen one part of the Nether, you've seen it all, unfortunately. I am here to proclaim that this shouldn't be the case for the Nether and that the Nether should head in a new direction filled with various biomes and mobs and ADVENTURE!
Everything that I am about to show to you in this HUGE "suggestion" are simply for inspirational purposes.
I am not creating this post with the hopes of this being implemented in the game (Though that would be sweet.) This is simply to give the Developers inspiration to push the Nether into some sort of direction.
Not necessarily this direction. (though I wouldn't mind if it went this direction) But at least Some direction...
With that out of the way, Now Presenting (In Wikipedia Fashion):
The Soul Wastes Biome:
The Following links will take you to Pictures and Detail about the subject
The Biome:
The Soul Wastes Biome
New Blocks:
-Spoul Shroom Blocks
-Soul Sandstone
-Soul Glass
-Possessed Soul Sand
-Cursed Chests
New Mobs:
-Spoul Ghouls
-Lost Souls
-The Ripper
-Spoul Fruit
-Soul Paste
-Potions of Phasing
-Ripper Claw
-Bottled Souls
-The Soul Scythe
-Amulet of Preservation
-Catacombs, Mausoleums, and Shrines
-Buried Remains
-Soul Sandstone Formations
Game-play Mechanics:
-Spirit Mechanics
So that's it! Yup, that's a lot to cover and read through! I hope you found it worth it though, I tried to make each and every inclusion in this suggestion feel exciting a new. This is what I want from the Nether... for it to feel exciting and new again. Dimensions in Minecraft should no longer be single glorified Biomes, but rather a collection of biomes, like the Overworld. It is an entire Dimension after all, it should feel like one.
So as I said. I am not suggesting that the Nether gets pushed in this direction, specifically. I am suggesting that the Nether Does get pushed in a direction. I am hoping what I created here will provide the Mojang team with some inspiration to do so!
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