Remember Minecraft Story Mode? Well hopefully Mojang will add in the Wither Storm! It should able to be spawned using three soul sand and a command block in the middle (obviously). It should be able to suck up mobs. It should start out small like a normal Wither and then get bigger and bigger until at full size. All mobs will run from it except Enderman, who have a 50% chance of taking blocks off the Wither Storm. It should also be able to stick it's tentacles through Nether Portals. Well, hope to see the Wither Storm in the game! Oh and one more thing, you cant kill this mob with ANYTHING. The only way to defeat it is to hop into it's mouth (somehow) and destroy the command block with the Formidi (sorry if i'm not pronoucing it right) Bomb. If you do it outside the storm, you will kill it but it will not destroy the command block and it will come back to life. While inside the storm, you will see frozen mobs or animals frozen and their colors 50% faded.
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