At the point that the game is... I never understood why there was a limit to how big the scoreboard objective names are. I've done a little coding and with the removal of IDs and allowing for near infinite blocks, why is a scoreboard name limited? There is no reason not to add this, and it so useful to those of us who use it so often for data packs and command functions, where shortening the name to abbreviations of words is just ridiculous.
For instance: SpawnerUpgradeTimeout is too long (it has 21 characters) vs having to use SpnrUpgrTimeout... it just seems like an oversite. I wonder if there is a statistic for how many times a player tried to create a scoreboard name that was too big... It would probably come up a lot more than some know.
This also seems like such a simple addition that there is no reason not to add it!
EDIT: This feature has been added to the game! Thank you Mojang <3
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