Let's be honest. A lot of people like playing minecraft together, and it is fun. But Java edition is a tricky case. Instead of just being able to create a server and join friends through the multiplayer menu, we are forced to download the server, do port forwarding stuff, and even then it's just a clunky mess of "Error" here, "Error" there.
I loved the console versions of minecraft, because it was easy to connect to friends. Java edition is just not fun to fiddle around with and try to get a server working. I would personally (I'm not sure how others feel) like to see a revamp of the multiplayer system on java. (Though leave in the old way of making servers, so that the paid host servers don't break).
If you just wanted to start up a server for friends, you could. I'm not sure how this would work, but I feel by allowing simpler multiplayer that could also be applied to every other version of java minecraft (ex: 1.13.1, 1.13, 1.12.2. If it's possible) would really make the game better.
I don't know if this is even possible, but I do hope you take it into consideration.
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