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MInecraft On PSP


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    Registered User commented
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    The PlayStation Portable is now off the market, and may not be able to handle Minecraft as a game, for its hardware is not nearly as advanced because the console itself is 14 years old! This would be cool, but even a heavily optimized 4J Studios version would not be able to handle it. Also, all multiplayer functionalities would be very limited due to there being no online service for the PSP. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Lets be real, the Nintendo 3DS Minecraft version isn't that great in itself, I don't think 4J could pull it off, not to mention the console is essentially dead. I generally think that portable versions of the game are completely useless, as bedrock edition essentially is the same among all platforms. Why want a PsP Version when your phone, computer and any other console can run it? (I even think Apple TV and Rasberry Pi can run it tbh)

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    that is true cuz iven psp is out dated many people play and for some one it might not be possible to get psvita soo ya we need a real vergion of mcforpsp and not those fake one 


  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Please make minecraft java edition for android & ios that will work on 4gb ram it already have a java on android its called "Pojavlauncher" but its laggy & I can't import modpacks please



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    Registered User commented
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    Mojang. Please make ps4 minecraft in android.

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    Registered User commented
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    Why am I getting an error:

    Unable to connect, please restart your client.

    P2P/SIG: no_session(Unspecified error5)

    HELP, fix please

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    We need minecraft on psp