When you are making your redstone suggestions, please note that Java and Bedrock will not have the exact same the same redstone systems - this would require redoing redstone system completely on one platform or the other. The two systems are functionally different and are going to stay that way. Please be sure to tag your suggestions with (Java) or (Bedrock).


Clocks hung on walls should create redstone signals at noon and midnight


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  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    Wouldn't you be able to use a daylight sensor to do the exact same thing?

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Also, all items in item frames produce a variable redstone signal whose strength depends on the rotation of the item. This idea would clash with a current feature.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    ClayGoddessSari Daylight sensors activate instantly to the dark but my idea would only activate exactly at a night and noon

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    MacchuPicchu96 Thats true so there could also be a feature that clocks can be hanged up on their own so that it won’t clash with that feature.

  • 0
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  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    It would be even better if clocks could be configured to emit a redstone signal of some duration (maybe 40 game ticks, approximately 2 real-time seconds) on some configurable game tick interval, with perhaps 250 game ticks (15 virtual minutes) being the minimum interval granularity and 24000 ticks (1 virtual day) being the maximum limit:

    250 ticks   - 15 minute intervals
    500 ticks   - 30 minute intervals
    1000 ticks - 1 hour intervals
    24000 ticks - daily interval

    This would allow the player to combine the framed clock with a note block and create an in-game clock which chimed like a grandfather clock or coo-coo clock. Part of the problem with redstone circuit clocks is that:

    1. They are too massive.
    2. They stop updating when the player is not in the chunk.
    3. They cannot be synchronized with the virtual game hour.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    What if the clock could be placed on the wall as a stand-alone which then would not clash with the item frame rotation Redstone signalage and depending on the time from night to noon it gave a signal strength between 1-15 depending on the current hour. The signal would be ongoing...

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe the rotation of the clock in the item frame should determine the strength of the signal at a certain time, such as upright would be noon, and upside down would be midnight

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe the rotation of the clock in the item frame should determine the strength of the signal at a certain time, such as upright would be noon, and upside down would be midnight

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Cool idea, but needs some work.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Daylight sensors: Ah man, here we go again

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    redstone has 16 different power-levels, so you could pick out one reference point for it to start (there the light level will be switching from 15 to 0) and then the rest will be in between.

    Let's pick this reference point at midnight (much like a real clock starting at 00:00), from which the timestamps will be:

    - Redstone signal 0 at 00:00 (midnight)

    - Redstone signal 1 at 01:30

    - Redstone signal 2 at 03:00

    - Redstone signal 3 at 04:30

    - Redstone signal 4 at 06:00

    - Redstone signal 5 at 07:30

    - Redstone signal 6 at 09:00

    - Redstone signal 7 at 10:30

    - Redstone signal 8 at 12:00 (noon)

    - Redstone signal 9 at 13:30

    - Redstone signal 10 at 15:00

    - Redstone signal 11 at 16:30

    - Redstone signal 12 at 18:00

    - Redstone signal 13 at 19:30

    - Redstone signal 14 at 21:00

    - Redstone signal 15 at 22:30


    Yes, this would be very useful for clock towers!

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    You could also make it be 0 at midnight or noon and 15 right before midnight or noon to have more accurate hours (and you could then par it with the daylight/nightlight sensor to make the clock still work).

    That would look a bit like this:

    - Redstone signal 0 at 00:00 am or pm (right after midnight or noon)

    - Redstone signal 1 at 00:45 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 2 at 01:30 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 3 at 02:15 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 4 at 03:00 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 5 at 03:45 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 6 at 04:30 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 7 at 05:15 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 8 at 06:00 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 9 at 06:45 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 10 at 07:30 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 11 at 08:15 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 12 at 09:00 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 13 at 09:45 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 14 at 10:30 am or pm

    - Redstone signal 15 at 11:15 am or pm (right before midnight or noon)

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Or every hour to make a grandfather clock like thing

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    This would be cool to tell you when it is darkest, could use refining however.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Like the idea of place able clocks

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Given that redstone can have 16 levels (0-15) (i think)

    wouldn't the clock be able to output 1 level per 'hour'

    I realise that would require a bunch of redstone to sort out, but its a pretty niche idea anyway. Really just for the automaters

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Couldn't you just place a daylight sensor near the clock? This would also break the detection of item rotation by comparators/observers

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe clocks would instead give a redstone signal every time it moves, or the signal would strengthen depending on the time of day

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    There is this thing called a daylight detector xD