PLEASE!!!! I've been thinking about uses for this item but there are none! If the coal lasted longer and it made the cart much faster it would be great. Also comparators should detect how much coal is in the cart and hoppers should be able to take and give coal from the carts.
I believe these mechanics would make this item better and make it usable for redstone projects.
I think they should add a new functionality, being able to take coal from hoppers and giving redstone signals to comparators. This feature makes the furnace-minecart act as a chest that consumes coal overtime and gives signals to comparators which can be used for timers (ex: A mini-game which you have to insert coal to play if you want to play more you have to give more coals, just like a telephone-boot). Also if hoppers could take coal from furnace minecarts we could also make smelters which consumes a bit more coal while consuming less space.
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