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make food able to rot


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  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    I've always thought it would be better to have raw meat rot if you don't cook it for a certain amount of time (say a day or two). That way you can't just stick it in a chest and come back weeks later (game time) and still have it there.

    Maybe vegetable should also rot...once harvested some veges don't last very long. Some thing like potatoes and apples can last a long time after harvest.

    Maybe MC should have a "cold" chest that can store raw materials that rot, stopping or slowing the decay process.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    This idea is good,  but for Hardcore mode.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Salt should preserve it for longer also.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    only in hardcore mode , then that would be cool

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I don't think rotting food is the solution to people not eating a variety of food...

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I don't understand why you would want food to rot. That's like saying that you want lava to burn through stone in Minecraft. Which would be a very bad idea. But I agree with Gabriel Bandinez. It should only be in hardcore mode.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Also with this idea, I think we also need a way to preserve food. I suggest adding ice boxes.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Also fridge. Ice in a chest with food.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    What about a new variant of the Desert called "Salt Desert" that generates mainly between Ocean and Desert biomes, whereas you can find salt to preserve food? It could be found in shores too...

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I think if food can rot, I think an icebox should be added to increase the food shelf-life. I don't think the icebox should make the food last forever, but make food last a bit longer.

    I love your idea though I played a game that actually a similar mechanic and I really think this would be great to add to Minecraft.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Usually I am running around with a 64 stack of steaks - but not because I want to, but because the game forces me to do so: Having various foods with me does not bring me (many) (visible) benefits at the current time. I agree that food rotting would be a good solution, but only PART of it: At the same time, different food eaten during a day would have to give the player different bonuses for the rest of the minecraft day. Last but not least, the reason for that f4t amount of food being carried around by me is that this is a necessity to heal myself. Instead, healing should be done only by potions or by regeneration. For each different food eaten during a day, a player should reach a higher regeneration level for that day.


    Rotting food/flowers/tree saplings/seeds could leave some dirt remains in the chest.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    It could work like the Don't Starve food rotting system

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    What if food just went stale instead? 


    Stale food would only give you about half the hunger restoration and not give any status effects (from Suspicious Stew or golden apples)

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Calling it "survival" anymore is a joke. We need something like this for all survival worlds so it's actually a challenge to survive, and we need a gamemode that isn't called survival for the people who want a more casual experience.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I was actually looking to see if this had already been posted before I posted it. I'd like to take it further by being able to combat this.

    For example by adding salt ore (maybe in the end?) and a preserving bench or a new ice chest storage block that resembles a vertical double stacked chest and uses ice blocks as "fuel" to preserve food longer. Ice could last a day, packed ice three days, and blue ice nine days. Biome could affect this too as in a colder biome could make food last longer while a jungle would really speed up food loss.

    Another idea for this is to have the food rot into something else, such as, meat into rotting flesh or bone and potato to poison potato for example. Perhaps most of the stuff could be composted at some point.

    Most important though would be the ability to turn this on or off when creating your world. While this is a fun idea for a more challenging experience, I often just want a nice relaxing game.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    seems too annoying and frustrating. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Like the concept, but seems hard to implant since most people stock their food in stacks of 64. It would mean that the whole 64 stack rot at the same time. A little odd...

    But im sure they can find a way to figure this out. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    There also needs to be ways to preserve food for longer if this gets added. Salt, smoking, and so on.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    If you throw block of ice in chest then food wont rot.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Sounds like "Don't Starve". At least eating meat doesn't slowly drive you mad in Minecraft.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Instead of rotting, I think cooked meats should be considered "fresh" within maybe a day of cooking them, and just be regular meats after that. Fresh meats have the hunger/saturation rewards that cooked meats have now, and when no longer fresh it would be reduced to half. This way, storing a billion steaks isn't as viable as before, but eating meat after cooking it still yields high reward.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah this idea is so compliteted to make it but also its so good becase if in  a real life when you wants to eat something fruit from  a tree but you relaize its rot,that mean  it has to be added to the minecraft also...

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This really needs to be added to make survival mode actually surival mode.  Survival is a joke right now.  It's only about avoiding mobs and falling in lava.  There's no real challenge to surviving. Rotting food would be a great addition.  An ice chest could be made using a chest and 8 regular ice blocks that would allow food to stay fresh much longer.  Salt is another alternative for preservation.  


    The rotting system could work similar to "Don't starve" where the entire stack of food will average out its freshness/rot level.  So adding 1 fresh meat to an almost entirely rotted piece of meat would average it out 2 half rotted pieces.  


    Rotted food could be thrown into a compost bin.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I was thinking of the same, actually, and I like this idea. Although I would make some additions:

    1: All food, except seeds, golden food, wheat, honey, and cooked food, will rot in the course if 2 or 3 days (the time will vary)
    Mushrooms, apples and potatoes will have longer lasting periods.
    2: Hermetic jars are a way of conserving food. It would be made with 8 glass blocks and 1 iron ingot, and would give 2 hermetic jars as a result. Storing food in a hermetic jar will make them last much longer, but only fungi, vegetables and fruits will be able to be kept there. Once in the jar, it can't be taken out, and you will have to eat it (that means you can't craft with it).

    3: Salt is a great addition, and you could add them to food before cooking it, but with the condition that it will give slightly less food points.

    4: Rotten plant matter will make a new item, called "organic waste" 

    It may be irritating, but it will make food management in Minecraft more important

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This would just be a mess and annoying in late game. In early game you don't have much food so this doesn't affect you, and in late game it just means you have to waste time to craft a stack of golden carrots by stack, instead of crafting shulker boxes of them and not caring for a couple of months.
    It also wouldn't fix food variety at all, it would just force people to make the same food stack by stack.
    Overall, it would do nothing for early game, and be annoying late game.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    This feature would add stress to the game due to having to keep track of when the food is harvested and where the food is kept.  Explain how you'd have a rot feature work on a Minecraft server, where other people in the proximity of the food cause it to continue rotting.  

    However if you did want to add a rotting feature, I would accept it if it only applied to raw meats.  When the meats get cooked, they can no longer rot.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Personally only meat should rot or their should be a way to make it for food to not rot.

    Meat should but slowly and once cooked it can’t be rot because then that’s a big waste of food especially a stack of 64 and food for animals.

    Perhaps only meat and fish and some vegetables foods should be able to rot but if cooked they don’t rot as growing food takes time.


    This should be worked out well because if food rots to fast or can’t be saved to no rot then it’s waste all the work and time as food needs that.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    This is a good idea but maybe make a new type of storage that food would not rot in...

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    As well as rotting food, we should have multiplying potatoes (yes, potatoes multiply in real life). Say you put 64 potatoes in your potato chest and then go to the nether. You go to a nether fortress and come home to see your potato chest full of potatoes.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Just make it for milk and raw meat. Milk stops removing effects and raw meat turns into rotten flesh. The reason why 

    I only want milk and raw meat to rot is because I cook raw meat a lot and I don't use milk a lot.