Please read the pinned post on creating new biomes and dimensions. Remember that individual items, mobs, and structures should still go in their own categories - this is not a category for entire updates.


(Dimension) Sky lands

under review


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  • 182
    Registered User commented
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    I think it would be cooler if the transportation to this dimension was a pedestal that has a beam shooting up into the sky. You know, just to mix it up a bit.

  • 141
    Registered User commented
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    You are talking about the Aether mod. It wouldn't be okay for Minecraft to have an entire rip-off update from an existing mod. Also, the End dimension is actually the sky. The end biome itself is called "sky".

  • 103
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    I LOVED the Aether Mod when I was younger but it's not what I visioned as a "heaven"-like new dimension to the Minecraft world. I always thought it was weird that you could travel to the underworld/h-e-double hockey stick (nether) an travel to the abyss (The End) but you could never travel to a heavenly divine local above everything. If Mojang were to create a sky dimension (please please please do) I'd think they should create something at least somewhat unique and a bit away from the aether or at least in gameplay. I have a few ideas that I invite mojang to openly take from me for I just wanna see the game grow for the better :).

    My ideas:

    A Sky/Heaven-like dimension update with bosses.

    GOAL: Create a new explorable realm that is the COMPLETE opposite to the nether and end. You come here in preparation of entering the End by gathering unique loot and gear that can easily combat the End and perhaps even the Nether.

    *Enter this new sky/heaven/aether realm via either a portal OR (in my opinon more interestingly) by sleeping on a magical bed crafted by rare item and enter it via a dream sleeping in this bed. This sky heaven realm can also be seen as a dream realm.
    *Make this new realm have a wondrous, colorful, divine, peaceful aesthetic.
    *Little to NO hostile mobs except for bosses and their underlings.
    *New Peaceful Mobs such as Angels who act similar to villagers but instead trade you high value loot like diamonds and gold.
    *A new winged tameable horse-like mob: the Pegasus. Similar to horses in every way but they can glide and fly.
    *Lowered gravity, you should often feel like your floating in a wonderous colorful land.
    *New Holy Temples you can explore and acquire fancy loot. However there shouldn't be any risk of death for this is a peaceful realm, instead you should just solve puzzles and use your brain to navigate the maze-like design these temples could have. If you try to cheat and break the blocks in the temple before solving the puzzle, you should just teleport, outside the temple, back to the overworld as punishment.
    *New divine, anti-undead/ender enchantments for equipment and weapons. Perhaps an enchantment to summon LIGHTNING like Zeus.
    *Divine Weapons inspired by mythologies can be collected. Examples:
    *An Excalibur-Like Weapon, a Holy Sword that does additional damage to undead and ender creatures.
    *A Mjolnir-Like Weapon, a powerful hammer that when swung, shoots lightning.
    *A Golden Bow that does way more damage than a normal bow, perhaps does fire/lightning damage by default.
    *A staff that when used, heals you and non-hostile mobs/players around you (such as dogs and horses).
    *Be able to create a bed in this dimension. When you sleep in it, you go back to the overworld. If you didnt bring a bed with you to this new realm, you can create one there with wool from a peaceful animal and wood from the exotic trees there.
    *If it's a sky dimension, you should be able to fall off and sink to below the lands. Instead of going back to the overworld I propose two options: 1. Angels fly down and carry you back up. (It is a peaceful realm after all) or 2. you transport to a random location in the nether. Alternatively you could always never fall off and constantly float when not touching land and navigate the realm by slowly flying, crouch to descend and jump to ascend.
    *The Bosses (i think at least) should resemble mythical figures like maybe Zeus or Odin or an Archangel. They should be a very touch challenge.

    Much of these ideas (or at least I think) alter differently to the nether and end. for example;

    *You cant place beds in the Nether or End but you can in this realm.
    *The mobs of the Nether/End are hostile by nature or when provoked unlike the mobs of this realm.
    *There's always a constant threat of death and uneasiness with the Nether/End. You always have to be on your toes and wary of your surroundings. In this realm however, not an issue.
    *The Nether and the End have rather depressing atmospheres, looking depressing or menacing with harsh colors or in the case of the nether, not much color at all. More so washed out colors with a hint of purple lol. This realm however should look beautiful to the eyes. Exotic and full of color.

    These are just some ideas I had regarding this topic. I'd love to see something similar implemented. If you like this idea, upvote this topic. Thanks for reading ;) cant wait to see your responses.

  • 59
    Registered User commented
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    Try to contact the aether mod creators so you can work together. 


    Create your own verson of ''sky world'' or some other name ex: Like the end but there is actually something to do maybe dungeons with items at the end that drop from a boss where you can trade with an villager or other npc for weapons and armor.

  • 48
    Registered User commented
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    They should add a dimension based on the aether but give credit to the original creator

  • 29
    Registered User commented
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    A heavenly dimension can't just be a floating islands dimension. It needs to be unique. For example, the sky being eternally day sounds extremely boring so what I think is have some really cool and otherworldly objects in the sky, such as multiple moons, lots of stars, nebulae, black holes etc. Also the flora needs to be interesting (give it a bioluminescence at night). Massive crystals would be cool as well

  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    Hello, I could definantly agree on this one. Due to it was once possible in minecraft. You have my vote!

  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    This dimension would definitely present itself as a better contrast to the already existing nether.

  • 24
    Registered User commented
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    I want to ride newly textured Moa so bad and fight off Zephyrs so bad.

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    I liked what Hayden Garcia had to say and agree with mostly everything, and would want to see these things in the game. I have a few more suggestions/disagreements though:

    The portal to enter this Skyland dimension should be made of a Purpur block since the Skyland dimension is really a privilege to be in and for defeating "The End." 

    I disagree that the Skylands should be harmless with only bosses/underlings; I say there should still be a constant risk in adventuring the biome, so maybe add monsters here.

    disagree that you can free-fly there. I like the idea of the present threat of falling off, so at the very least, I picture that when you fall off the skylands, you teleport to the over world. At this point, the player should have an elytra anyway.

    passive mob you find is a pegasus-like creature, or a dragon. Maybe you use chorus fruit to tame them to finally give chorus fruit another purpose. They could act like horses in terms of taming too. 

    To add another layer of creativity, the boss monster of this realm would be the Vex Boss or Vex Master. I'd like to see Vexes serve a bigger purpose as they seem random now. This Vex Boss would spawn upon entering the Skyland dimension, or you summon it, and it would be surrounded by Vexes. This mob should fly a lot, which could give a bigger purpose to finding an elytra in the end city before entering the Skylands.

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    i find it a shame it wasn't added in during beta really. I always thought the idea of a dreamworld being really cool

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    Thanks CoolyJr1, i actually think your ideas are really cool. The Vex boss is actually kinda genius if I'm gonna be honest.

    The more i think about it, having the threat of falling off is pretty fair for a realm i imagined as mostly harmless aside from bosses. You should always have a sense of danger when playing vanilla MC. That being said, i still feel as if the realm acting as a mostly peaceful world with little conflict to be a core feature of the world. Would i be heartbroken if Mojang decide to make it full of hostile mobs? No. It would be cool to overcome another challenge.

    Perhaps the Angels can have a similar mechanic to the Pigmen except WAY MORE SCARY and dangerous. Perhaps they attack you when you accidentally damage them just like pigmen or if you have a weapon out they attack you, and they stop attacking you when you put the weapon away. They should be able to fly and shoot you with spectral arrows. Perhaps there can be an infestation of End or Wither-like creatures that occasionally spawn in that the Angels aggro to and attack. Their spawn rates would have to be low tho or exclusive to the temples.

    Another idea, maybe you could get angel wings? Like you could upgrade your Elytra or get it from a boss.

    Thanks for reading!

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    I think that you should be able to fly into this dimension using the Elytra. Perhaps when you reach an altitude greater than 512 in the Overworld, you fly into the Sky Dimension and when you fall out of the Sky Dimension, you reach a height of 512 in the Overworld. Additionally, It should have an inverse effect of the Nether: every block traveled in the Overworld would be the equivalent of 4 blocks traveled in the Sky Dimension.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    This would be cool if the Aether was in Minecraft:PS4 Edition

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I think it's a brilliant idea. Considering there is already the Aether mod (which is pretty much only easily obtainable on pc), this would be awesome for console and pocket edition players to experience!

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    A new dimension would be cool. It would be nice if there was also a boss.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    While the end is meant to be a "sky island" dimension, it has a very unique feel that would not make a separate island dimension feel repetitive, unless you copied the end itself. If you made this new dimension feel full of life, it would be worthwhile, even if it was inspired in structure by an already existing dimension.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    How about a "Mystic" dimension? Themed around mysterious, mythical and fairytale like biomes. I imagine this to be simillar to the End Islands, only bigger so entire biomes can fill these floating islands.

    - Green floating islands, like in Avatar or in Biome Bundle
    - Floating Forest, with elves, fireflies, witches (possibly the only Overworld mob or variant)
    - Webbed cliffs, barren lands like a mesa with cliffs that is infested with cobwebs and spiders 
    - Enchanted Forest, with illuminating plants in the night, 
    - Dark Wastelands, barren, desert-like where the sun is always blocked due to ash or some type of fog 
    - Crystal Mountains (+Caves), with a block like Prismarine, slightly changing color and are on top of really high mountains that are valuable like Emerald for trading 
    - Goblin Cavern, could be a cave underneath. Goblin mobs, fast but not very deadly but come in great numbers and will call others if attacked
    - Poisined lands, a sort of swamp where the water is poisonous (will be a potion to withstand it) and will have amfibient mobs
    - The Cliffs of Sight, gigantic vertical mountains with structures inside the vertical side (like a monestary) with snipers that can shoot arrows 50-60 blocks away (with of course no 100% accuracy as a skeleton). 

    I could go on, you get the idea. A dimension in this direction where you could add lots of lore like having guards of specific places or having mythical mobs is I think the best thing for a new adventure.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Good idee to add skyland dimension

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Add cloud block to this dimension. They should act like slime blocks but have 0 stickiness. And are more bouncy.


  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Well, Mojang did hire the creator of the Aether mod, and said back in the day that they weren’t going to add the sky dimension because the Nether wasn’t updated yet, and here we are with the Nether being updated. So there’s a possibility they’re working on this as we speak. Not a huge one, but an existing one.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    There are a lot of things mentioned throughout this post, so instead of restating everything I really enjoy I'll just compile a list of the pre-established comments that I agree should be an aspect of this concept.

    • This dimension should be realistically and enjoyably livable, you should be able to sleep in this dimension.
    • This dimension should have a balanced quantity and type of mobs. Not completely neutral, not completely hostile.
    • There should be a portal using existing blocks in the game. No new structures required to enter the dimension (e.g: strongholds).

    Now, from that point on I differ in opinion as to what or how this should be carried out.

    I personally think and agree that this dimension should be like it is pure fantasy. There should be no real world mobs, and since this is Minecraft, there should be little direct adaptations of preexisting fantasy creatures.

    As to how to get there, I have an idea that to enter you would need to make the portal a pool of water 3 x 3, grass blocks on the sides, and 11 of any flower type on all sides. Adding 1 wither rose to it to change the pool of plain water, into a portal.

    In the dimension there should be wild Allays, and in certain biomes, there should be wild Vexes. Perhaps there could be a mob that looks similar to the "evocation fang" that lives here as well? This would give the dimension a lot of lore, and as for the more peaceful biomes, it should be like a flower forest, though with multi colored wood.

    Just my opinion. 

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Gerishio Gerishio unfortunately that sounds soo modded and I think that they won’t do that. Be maybe as another mod.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    A sky dimension would be great and maybe there you could take the dragon egg and if it is there long enough it will hatch a baby dragon for the player to make his own

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    They should just add in the Aether mod and put the Aether mod's creator in the "Additional Programming" section of the credits, just like what they did to pistons.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Why not just use emeralds instead of a new ore?
    Also isn't this just a description of the Aether Mod but with a new block instead of glowstone and a special flint & steel instead of a water bucket?

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    If this dimension had, Aztec like floating pyramids that had vegetation growing throughout and cities on top of floating islands and even rarer Golden Cities that were paved and almost completely made of precious metals I feel the sky lands could be something magnificent. The pyramids would be on Huge islands that housed dungeons and many traps, monsters, and a new monster called The Emperor/The King when you step into the hall he would be on a throne made of gold with one diamond block in the middle. He would raise up undead warriors that wielded a new weapon called the Maquahuitl (It can be crafted using 4 obsidian 2 each in both the left top and right and 3 sticks) This weapon would do 5.5 hearts of damage. The Emperors attacks would be a shiel bash that stops you from moving for 2 seconds, a chop with a huge Maquahuitl that does 8 hearts of damage. Before he attacks he takes about a second to put the weapon behind his back and before he attacks he lets out a roar so the player is signified of an attack. Also, his eyes open and turn red.


  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Sky dimension is now a need. With the introduction of netherite players will need a reason to seek it out. Every other tool material has a need (wood gets started, stone underground, iron gets you to diamond, gold enchanting, diamond unlocks endgame) but short of “netherite is better” or flexing what obstacle does it help overcome? I think that obstacle is a sky dimension. Taking advantage of netherite’s knockback resistance players won’t fall to thier deaths as easily. Driving them to seek out the rare material.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    You can enter this dimension by creating an altar that include crying obsidian and the dragon egg.

    You got this.


  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I think the sky dimension should be the most difficult dimension to survive in, I don’t think that this dimension should the aether but its own separate thing. To get to the dimension, you need an elytra to find a structure in the sky called the sky sanctuary, the sky sanctuary, the sanctuary does not have shadows, the sanctuary is one small island with a portal, the portal will only activate, when a beacon is active and if the Ender dragon is defeated. Once you get to the dimension, you’ll spawn in one small island. The sky dimension consists of 5 biomes, giant island: very large island that consist of giant zombies and is more far from the other biomes, island fragments: very small islands clumped up, Great Forest: forests that consist of very large and tough trees, Bunny fields, flying fields that consist of a lot of killer bunnies, high mounds: large hills that contains ruby ore at the bottom of the island, the killer bunny will spawn in every biome and is more common in the bunny fields biome, charged creepers will also spawn in the great forest, destroyed bridges are structures found in at the end of the islands, decimated towns. Pigmen Towns
    A new mob called the pigmen will be found in the pigmen towns, bribe them with rubies to fight for you, cloth them, give them respawn anchors for them to respawn, they hunt killer bunnies and giants, when they’re at low health, they’ll retreat to eat food then start fighting again, they are passive.