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Better Snowfall


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  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I agree with all your points except the point you made about temperature. I visited a biome that was all ice, and when I broke some ice on top of water it refroze later.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I love this, you basically want the new water physics only with snow and with a few more details. It's not fun going into a snow plains to find a bunch of flowers that apparently radiate heat! Logic

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    Snowlogged tag for blocks while is snowing! Fantastic!

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I think this would be pretty hard since snow doesn’t have the same properties as water on Minecraft. Snow is a solid block and it couldn’t be layered on something that isn’t flat. Plus stairs and fences are blocks that have parts that are “empty” you’d have to rewrite the code to allow it to change to a snow covered variant. Not as easy as it sounds

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    I would like make a list of snow mechanics additions/changes as well. I may include some ideas alredy said, but this is what I was thinking.
    - Snow should accumulate under trees. This would work by alowing snow to accumulate under leaves, but  accumulation would be 10% less likely per a tick for every leaf block above the area of accumulation. This would ignore snow that has accumulated on top of leaves above it. Nobody likes seeing bare patches under trees, its a real eye sore.
    - Snow can accumulate on top of stairs and slabs. Upside down stairs and top slabs would accumulate just like normal blocks. Regular stairs and down slabs would become "snowlogged, and accumulate snow inside of their empty space and the regular stairs would accumulate part of a snow layer on top of them in the corresponding shape. Collecting the snow layer would remove the snow from both inside the stain and on top of it.
    -Snow can accumulate inside of other non full blocks such as fences, glass pains, walls, doors, open trapdoors, tall plants, etc.

    -Snow can accumulate under overhangs, but much slower, and the sky would have to be visible above a certain angle of elevation. The lower the angle of elevation to the nearest visible sky, the less likely it is for snow to accumulate. Maybe the lowest angle of elevation for snow to accumulate at would be 45°.
    -Make grass blocks with no snow on top gradually turn white just like leaves, and make is so they won't start accumulating snow until they have turned white. Grass that does have accumulation will stay white as normal.
    -Snow on a block that has a vertical side exposed can only accumulate 2 layers of snow, but blocks that are adjacent to a block that has a block on top of it can accumulate up to 6 layers of snow. Blocks that meet both criteria can accumulate up to 4 layers a usual. This will help create the smoother slopes that are characteristic of real snowfall.
    All of these changes will allow for a much smoother snow cover.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    For me the key feature improvement with snow is the fact that light sources melt it.  For survival builders, the balance between maintaining the snow biome and lighting your builds can be very challenging.  With the Village and Pillage update bringing snow villages, I think this is becoming even more relevant for those that want to build near or around existing villages and want to protect the area with light while keeping the snow.


    I also like the idea that light sources such as redstone lamps and sea lanterns could act as light only and not effect snow melting, while torches and lava (which are fire and would have an effect on snow) would melt it.  

    This would in my opinion balance the realism of melting, and give interesting mechanics for those who want to melt snow or ice, with decorating and creativity in a snow biome that maintains the snow as well.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    During a snowfall, snow appears on ordinary blocks, but the roofs of houses remain clean!

    Please add the mechanics of the appearance of snow cover on the steps and half-blocks. It will be cool!

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I think that snow should appear every now and then in temperate biomes and melt away the next day

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I hope this is what Jeb and Agnus meant with "snowier snow"

  • 0
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  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Абсолютно согласен

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I don't agree about torches they are warm

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I totally agree with you, but I'd like to see some snow transition in the snow biomes, not the usual blocks of snow. Without it, the snow bio looks very unrealistic

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    No new mechanics are really needed for snow to fall on slabs, stairs, and other irregular blocks. Just make it so that blocks have a snowed-on texture just like the grass block.

    I also think that torches should melt snow, just not the soul torch as it is a dimmer/cooler flame.

    I this this would make for snowier snow

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I was about to post one exactly like this, I hope it gets implemented 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Theres no need to over think the mechanics. Touching on some of the points here: adjusting certain light sources to be "cooler" would suffice. Sea Lanterns and Shroomlights, as well as soulfire lights, should be sufficient for cold biomes, and requires only a change to their values. A lot of this is a parity issue as some of these are present in Bedrock, so simply bringing snow biomes to parity with Bedrock would solve most of this. Even just having snow texture grass and leaves would help. I dont think snowlogging stairs and slabs will ever be viable though (warm homes melt snow on roofs anyway). What is truly needed is the ability for snow to grow around fences, walls and plants. This will result in builds looking "snowed in" and would be incredible due to the incremental nature of snow layers. I really dont like the idea of things dying or withering due to temperature though, as this will severely limit terraforming options and add needlessly complex mechanics. Overall this is sorely needed for immersion and aesthetics and I hope we will see this someday.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I saw a vid like this once, with realistic snow mechanics. You're basically asking for people's computers to melt. XD

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Hello everyone, it’s been a minute since I’ve gotten on here but I am still looking forward to this mechanic getting implemented in a future Minecraft update.

    The Wild Update is up and coming but I don’t think they’ll be adding the better snow mechanics this time around. Ideally, the developers would want to make an entire update dedicated to enhancing the natural look of the Minecraft world. That update would include seasons which are under review, more diverse biomes like a cherry blossom tree biome which is also under review, and of course better snow mechanics.

    I believe a “Seasons Update” would add many of these features to the game but only time will tell

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    They could add a new blockstate "snowlogged"

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Add Sleds!!!! (like boats but only move forward when the player is in it and can only move left or right with the side pads or whatever way the player is looking, they could even go over powdered snow. They wouldn't be able to go uphill, like a real sled stop.)