Use this topic to provide feedback on the game drop The Garden Awakens.


Pale Chest, Spruce Chest, Warped Chest, Chest Variants!


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  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    it would be nice to make it easier to identify each chest.
    imagine a chest made of cherry wood or pale wood
    or much better the nether woods

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    This would be good for identification. Your Dark Oak chest for valuables, Birch for your Building Materials, Mangrove for Redstone, Pale for Equipment- There's a lot of promise here. The fact that boats have variants should make this viable.

    Also, removing the note about "People Not Voting" could make it more professional and presentable. Ironically, this note could actually drive possible voters away. Also, adding a note saying that nobody is voting could be equivalent to asking people to vote, which is against the rules.