A light source activated by a redstone signal, but has to receive fuel. The brightness depends on the amount of blocks the fuel could smelt.
this block could have a menu to control the sides which will be lit. Deactivating one or multiple side(s) would send an equal amount of extra power to the Activated sides.
If the power bulb gets one coal, it could light 8 blocks for 80 seconds or 7 blocks for 90 seconds.
Just like a furnace.
It would need a core crafted with redstone, glowstone and blaze powder, which would have to be restored with blaze powder once it runs out.
As a failsafe, it should shut down by itself once the core runs out, but if it is powered back one, it lose efficiency and eventually explodes with the range of a bed outside of the overworld.
If it gets added to the game, it would be really nerfed with all these if it only does 100 blocks max.
But i got an idea. Give it multiple fuel slots so that it could light more than 100 blocks as a counter weight to all that nerf.
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