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The Power Bulb, maybe an artificial sun for underground cities


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    Registered User commented
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    I would say cut out the redstone signal, but use the fuel. These both are a little to complicated. Only... does the strength of the fuel depend on the density as well, such as planks V.S. wood V.S. sticks, or does it only use a certain type of fuel? Also, I say that the light should be indefinite, it should just depend on the equation of fuel type and amount.

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    Registered User commented
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    The point of what?

    The power bulb, it's core or the fuel going out ?

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    The point of the power bulb would be a light source for more than 16 blocks.

    You could build a large city and only use one light source, you could build a lighthouse which would be visible from far away even with a low render distance, because of the light.

    You could even disable mob spawning in a large area around your base and maybe kill mobs who burns at sunlight, because the power bulb is an artificial sun.


    It is worth it.

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    Registered User commented
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    It's supposed to be an artificial sun. It burns undead mobs and phantoms, so it should also be balanced by consuming fuel, that's a light source which also acts as a defense system, but could have many more uses.

    And the redstone signal would be a way of avoiding consuming fuel for nothing, using a daylight sensor and a glass block for a lighthouse, or a level for manually turning it on.

    By the way, i think the power bulb having 10 fuel slots and 2 magma cream slots would be fair

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    Registered User commented
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    using a nether star is a great idea, but let's not make it too expensive.

    Keep all the things but if you pot a nether star in a fuel slot, it activate beacon beams which goes for as many blocks as the light goes, on all activated sides of the bulb, wether the bulb is loaded or not.

    And also, make the nether star do as much distance as a lava bucket, but allowing all the fuel to be used to light blocks around, but not be consumed at all.

    Giving players motivations to defeat the wither, and giving the nether star another use.

    -And why not add another nether star to give chosen effects to players, just like a beacon but the closer you get, the stronger the effect gets?-

    Scrap this, if you put a potion in a fuel slot it gets consumed for the time it lasts with the range being the double of the effect it gives, and could last permanentely with two wither stars (keeping the effect range by level).

    And also have the beacon effects aviable, blindness and glowing too. So any entity entering in contact with the light gets an effect, the closer they get to the source and the more levels the effect goes until reaching the original level.

    So there could be a light source to do anything, such as healing or poisoning, making entities visible, invisible or blind.

    If the potion runs out then the effect goes away instantly on any player in contact with the light.

    If the bulb is broken the effect goes away instantly too, it must be shut down before or  it blows up taking everything in every slots, but saves one nether star if there are two nether stars.