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making maces stronger


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    Registered User commented
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    the mace is fine to me. I think the reason they don't do much damage on the ground is because Mojang doesn't want you to use it like a normal weapon. 

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    Registered User commented
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    Yes, the mace needs some upgrades, due to it being so rare, it really should do more damage.

    But if the mace is upgraded to be stronger, much stronger enemies should be added too, just to balance out the gameplay, because being able to slay every mob in the game is just too ridiculous and would get boring eventually when every mob is weaker than the mace's damage.

    I agree that the mace should be stronger, but the dragon needs to upgrade when you have the mace, because it needs to be balanced enough to not be OP and make the player infinitely strong.
    Sure, there's a risk of dying from fall damage, but most players who use a mace are usually skilled enough, but yeah, the Mace should be a lot stronger, but there should also be a difficulty added alongside it

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    Registered User commented
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    It's already WAY too overpowered