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Let's talk about the balance between Bedrock and Java


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    • There shouldn't be a difference between Bedrock overpowered features and Java overpowered features. The only difference, that all of us have noticed is that one side is having more than the other side. When both editions should be having these types of features on all software devices.

    Take these bugs for example:

      • The Creeper mob for example, was a bug that appeared when Mojang studios was trying to design a regular pig. The Creeper itself has been given to both Java and Bedrock editions.
      • Floating gravel or sand is another bug that has been given to both Java and Bedrock edition as well. (Another thing to note is that some features were even created by bugs.)

    What I propose is that players’ opinions should be taken into account. I propose we have a voting system regarding what types of features or bugs that players have discovered are already have in the game, so that we can decide whether they should get added onto both Java and Bedrock editions, or if they should be gotten rid of.

    I believe this is the solution that will help both The Minecraft community and Mojang Studios in deciding whether Bedrock and Java players want features like the MCPE-38751MCPE-47261, or other types of features restored within the Minecraft game, or not.