Minecraft needs more bosses. Here are some ideas for new ones:
Fire Zombie: a giant zombie that has gigantic fire charges
Skeleton King: a giant skeleton with glowing red eyes and an giant crossbow that shoots giant spears instead of arrows
Creeper King: a creeper with the ability to move blocks, water, and lava with his mind and has an enormous creeper army protecting him
Cartoon Cat: a tall black cat standing on it's hind legs and swipes with his claws to attack
Mob Dragon: the true final boss, with the body of an Ender Dragon and the head of every mob. Whenever it switches mob heads, it switches abilities
By the way, these boss mobs aren't my original ideas. These are just bosses from Minecraft mods and a certain Minecraft-themed book series that rhymes with "Relative Dean"... But I'd like them to be added to the actual game! Two bosses just isn't enough. :)
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