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The Warden Isn't Fun


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    Registered User commented
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    There are multiple errors here. For one thing, I have played Minecraft with kids under 12, one of them summoned a warden, and nobody even came close to crying.

    Second, I've found sneaking works fine. If it is impossible not to spawn a warden, it means you're not sneaking.

    Third, when the warden smells you, it will only try to make melee attacks, and wardens are fairly slow.

    Finally, I will point out that wool prevents the warden from hearing you and blocks sculk vibrations in general. Hopefully you can take this advice and continue enjoying Minecraft.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    The warden is an end game boss. If you don’t like it here’s my solution: DON’T GO TO THE ANCIENT COTY! How hard is that? Didn’t think so. I definitely think sculk shriekers shouldn’t spawn next to each other but removing wardens? Just don’t go to the places where wardens are simple fix