Minecraft has a lot of blocks, but what if they had more? Why do we need them? Please don't just add lists of things - these will be marked as spam and removed! Also, no furniture, guns, or vertical/"sideways"/"upright"/"standing" slabs (yes, we see you).


Let's talk about Bundles!



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  • 24
    Registered User commented
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    It’s great that work on the bundle has resumed.
    I appreciate the new control scheme and how you can scroll through the Bundle contents. 
    But the UI of the Bundle just doesn't fit with any other UI in the game. It looks out of Place. I think something more like the first iteration would be much more fitting.
    I look forward to more bundle related developments and hope that this great feature might one day be part of the game.
  • 35
    Registered User commented
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    Bundles are great, but I feel like they could use 2 good additions:

    • They should be able to hold multiples of unstackable items. Maybe not 64 obviously, but I feel like it would be very useful to stack 4-6 items that can't normally be stacked. Imagine putting a few extra potions together, or having a bag to hold spare tools.
    • You should be able to dye them any of the normal dye colors.
  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I tried bundles on pc, on pc with gamepad and on mobile.
    The main drawback on all inputs is solid background. Textboxes of enchanted or even normal items already obscure a significant part of inventory. Bundles with 8 unique items cover almost half of inventory.
    Making bundle background translucent like background of text when hovering hotbar will make them much more comfortable to use.
    Also it would be nice to be able to color them.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Finally! One thing though, I'm really not a fan of the new crafting recepie. I felt like the last one made rabbits actually useful somehow and though I understand they were hard to hit at times it made for a fun little challange that made bundles a thing you have 1-6 at a time and not something you can make in hundreds. I'd love it if we got back the recepie that requires rabbit skin, though maybe like only 3 and 1 string, to make it slightly cheeper and yet still fun to collect?  

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Bundles are great for inventory management in their current state. But what would make them even better is if you could see the storage meter in the hot bar even when the inventory is closed (similar to the way the durability bar is displayed). It could look like this:

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Thanks for the bundle! If comes the way it is into the game, I'm happy!

    These things would make the bundle even better:
    - always show seven items when the bundle has more then 8
    - make it dyable

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Please change the bundle recipe back to its original form

    In the latest snapshot, the bundles were changed from being crafted from six rabbit hide and two string to one leather and one string. I think this change unnecessary, as bundles previously gave rabbit hide its first real use (since you need four for one leather, it’s easier to just get leather from cows). I don’t think making the bundle easier to craft in general is an issue, the item is not overpowered in any way, but I think the recipe including rabbit hide was a good idea that should not have been scrapped.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    1. My idea is designated bundles: The idea revolves around a mechanic of being able to designate a bundle to a specific group of items (such as potions or arrows) so that if you interact with the bandle as if you were to collapse items into a stach (for Java it is double clicking an item in a chest or an inventory) , all of items in the defanged group will be placed in the bundle until the bundle is full. The bundle should also after being designated to a item group have a corresponding symbol looking similar to the new banner pattern sprite.

    2.Custom item groups: as the name suggests we should have the ability to make custom item groups to use in bundles with a new Ui (maybe when using a fletching table). The player should also be able to apply a symbol to the group (possibly banner pattern symbols) and be able to save it as a resource pack so the community can share their item groups with each over.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    One leather and string is a little easy, isn't it? I thought the old bundle recipe was great because it gave a use to both rabbit hide and rabbits. I always figured the best way to make them a little easier to get was just to have the Wandering Trader sell rabbit hide. That is what the trader is for, right? To get items you might not otherwise be able to get? Or you could find it in dungeons.


    That aside, I love the bundle changes! Being able to scroll through the items was an inspired idea. I've been playing around with them a lot and its incredible how much one or two bundles make a huge difference ever since the Raw Ores got implemented.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Contrary to the other ones, I like the crafting recipe. I also think that rabbit hide needs a use but 6 rabbit hides were so difficult to get. I would prefer 1 rabbit hide but I would prefer 1 leather over 6 rabbit hide

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I think the new crafting recipe is good because it is meant to be an early game solution/alternative to shulkers, but maybe as a compromise it could be 3 cow hides and 2 string or something. Just a tiny bit more complicated but still accessible if you don't want to go searching for rabbits.
    More cow hides would also support the idea that bundles are large enough to fit a few unstackable items, not just one. That is an idea I quite like even if it was just 5 or 6 unstackables.
    Last idea at the moment is to allow things to be crafted without having to remove the resources from the bundles. If a resource is in a bundle, then the crafting recipe would appear in the crafting menu, and clicking the crafting recipe would automatically pull the items out the bundle.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Bundles are back! Yay! 

    I like how you can scroll through and select the first 7 items in the bundle, but what if you added a scroll bar to the interface so you could select any item in the bundle? I know that might be a bit hard to do on Bedrock, but imagine you have a bundle full of (at worst case 64) lots of different items, and you want to get the item at "the bottom" of the bundle. You would have to take out a lot of items in order to grab the one at the end. I know you could just dump the contents on the ground, but it gets a bit messy if you're throwing more than 36 unique items on the ground, since your inventory will fill up, and you will have to throw more items on the ground to find the item in the bottom of the bundle.

    As a side note, I would also love it if advanced tooltips showed the fullness bar with a number on it as before (like 22/64). I liked seeing how much room was left in the bundle.

    Either way, I love the bundle changes so far, keep it up!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I like the concept, but the items seems waaaay too cheap for this an upgrade. Looks more like an expensive endgame item to me. I have only read the newspost, so haven’t actually played with it yet.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I have to agree with the current community consensus. The New UI feels weird and out of place in Minecraft. I would prefer to revert to the old UI that shows the entirety of the items inside the bundle.

    You can keep the same scroll controls as the current iteration, you just have to highlight the item slot of the old bundle UI when doing it. 

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I feel like the bundles should be able to be modified in the anvil with options to hide what’s inside, dye it, increase space, (my item idea) where you can find something in the ancient city that you can add to a bundle to make it not despawn on death


    Bonus idea: add a gold string found in bastions and triples the size of the bundle contents

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Please make a gamerule so that players can choose how many items that the bundle can have with a specific limit something reasonable,maybe between 1 and 5 stacks 

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Holding left mouse button after selecting a bundle should scoop every item it hovers in. I find having to left click every item slow, specially when my intention is to put into the bundle a lot of stuff i've collected exploring.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Idea: Maybe you could craft it with either 1 leather or 1 rabbit hide. Making it cheaper using rabbit hide would give it a more obvious use. Or rabbits could drop 0-2 hides by default instead of 0-1.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Thanks for the hard work with Tricky Trials, the dungeons are fun and big names like Pewdiepie are finally playing the game again (he needs to discover wolf armor!)

    For the Bundle recipe, I prefer 1x string and 1x rabbit hide as they were useless mobs to farm, hopefully rabbits have uses in the future. There's a lot of pointless mob farms like feeding Hoglins shrooms, it's just unnecessary pain for little reward. The tusks can be used to create the grappling hooks from poisonous potato update, this joke update is incredible and should be the gold standard for updates.

    Bundles are a nice inventory update for 1.21, it seems okay so far, but I hope there will be more QoL changes for mobile like adding a "craft all" , "take all from furnace", and "sort" button. It's necessary for mobile as you'd have to tap hundreds of times to craft things and take furnace items.

    For minecart changes, the best solution is to simply change "powered rail" to cost copper. Then create new "super fast rail" that uses gold. This prevents breaking contraptions. Rail recipes need to produce more.

    I wish 1.22 reveal can be more exciting! There were recent Realms bugs that are making many players quit, we need hype to bring them back. Before this bug, Realms also (very often) die out when players defeat the dragon. We need a more exciting postgame with the end update that creates repeated progression, dungeons, and gameplay. Make players attached to worlds, like new flying ender pets.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    It would be good if the bundle had 'pages', and you could scroll through them - once you got to the end of one, the next page would appear, continuing the next 8 items, scrolling back would being you back to the last page. There would be a small tip as to on which page you are on.
    But otherwise the bundle is awesome. (Maybe it could be crafted with rabbit hide since it still has no use)

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Right clicking with a bundle in your hand on a container should empty the bundle into that container

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    It would be great if all the tool tips in the inventory were slightly transparent to match Java edition. As of now the dark purple tooltips on bedrock are opaque, making it hard to see what items are behind it. This is especially a big problem when dealing with books that contain multiple enchantments on them. It has now become increasingly apparent with the addition of the bundle as now its tooltip takes up a majority of the screen. This also is also being tracked as MCPE-166098 on Mojira.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Bundle should definitely use rabbit hides, but please do make the rabbit biome variations spawn more often, like on forests, fields, snow. Why are they only on deserts? I think rabbit feet can be more useful as well, doing other things besides the lame potion it produces...

    Also bedrock should really add modding back. If you really want no mods on bedrock, then please make vanilla just as good, or even better, than mods.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    First, I love the concept of having a "no-need-to-put-down-on-the-ground" storage solution! That being said, would it be possible to take more of a "pouch", rather than a bundle? Cause isn't a "bundle" more like a collection of things, ie. wood or books, held together with a pice of string? Either way, for me the current version behaves much like how one would use a sack - which in a way is efficient - but messy!

    So, would it be possible to make the bundle into a pouch? If not wearable (which would be optimal as to not take up valuable hotbar-sapce) then with a scroll-through function when it is in the hotbar? So that one wouldn't need to go into the inventory all the time and "pause" the game / stop running etc. Or it could get equipped much like an off-hand is used but on the opposite side. Think carpenters belt - not that many slots but with many possibilities.

    And could it be enchanted? An enchant to make it attract certain item(s) like a magnet? Or make it bigger? Kind of like a pouch would be enchanted in a certain popular book / film series about a young wizard.

    If nothing of the above than agree with what many already have said: Dyable, make it easier to pick up things in the inventory (holding down right / left and swipe over) and reverse it to rabbit skin (maybe make the rabbit spawn slightly more often and / or in more biomes).

    Just some thoughts. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to whatever you come up with! :)

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Bundles are currently very cheap to craft. Maybe bundles should go back to their old recipe, but this time the recipe uses leather instead of rabbit hide.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Bundles are a great step forward for solving the storage issue (particularly in early / mid game) I think, but the drawback is they only hold a random assortment of 64 items. Again, this is a great addition to storage, especially for when you're exploring. But this doesn't help when your collecting resources or mining and have stacks upon stacks of stuff; one item for a random stack is only a minor improvement.

    If it were possible, I'd like to see an improvement to bundles be the addition of a backpack; instead of being a random assortment of 64 items it could be a method for the player to have extra storage during the early game for gathering resources or mining and you want to collect multiple stacks of stuff.

    As it stands, I do love the thought process behind bundles and I do look forward to them being in the game, I just think they'd be much better received if they were paired with an early game storage alternative or bonus so players could solve both the issue of random stuff filling up slots and wanting more storage slots in general. Personally, I'd happily trade-off a chestplate for an extra 30-40 slots of storage while mining.

    Alternatively, I would love the idea of increasing the bundle's max stack size (to be double or triple of 64) to be more useful while mining. If I could dedicate a single bundle to holding 255 iron ore and continue this trend for each ore that would also be great for organizing / collecting resources.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    The bundles should be obtainable early, but not so early that it's immediately accessible to very new players, as bundles can get confusing for them. This makes rabbit hides the ideal crafting material. Minecraft has always been "an ocean wide but an inch deep", a lot of items are not useful and lack depth, and I agree the new bundles and minecart changes could finally give rabbits and copper some use. Honestly, an accessory equipment slot that gives small advantages will give incentive for exploration and getting items like goat horns, amethyst, rabbit's foot, sniffers, even the crab claw. The spyglass should be an accessory as taking a hotbar slot is not worth it.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Bundle UI but without interaction should be on shukerboxes, just the visualization.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    A suggestion about the latest UI changes: When a bundle has more items than can be shown in 3 rows, it doesn't seem very useful to me for it to show "+NN" in the bottom right slot. I'd rather show another item there. Instead, you could superimpose the +NN over the meter at the bottom, but I think even better than that would be to superimpose a count of how many more items you have room for. Because I don't really need to know how many items I already have in the bundle, I need to know whether I have room for more and how many more. If you don't mind localizing it, it might say "Room for NN more" in the selected language and it could simply be centered over the meter. Or if localization is a problem in this context, I'm sure you can find another way of showing it.

    I also vote for a rabbit hide recipe. If it needs to be available in the earlier game, maybe 4 hides instead of 8.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    When the bundle was announced to resume development, I wasn't really interested in it. Then a few days later, I had an aha moment where I thought about what it could bring to the game: a way to stack potions! A way to bring multiple with me without taking up a big chunk of my limited inventory.

    When I tested it in the preview, I was disappointed to find that one potion fills a whole bundle. My great idea was totally ruined. Personally, I think bundles should be able to hold either 8 or 16 potions.

    Being able to carry some regeneration and night vision potions while still having inventory for the ores I'm collecting in this cave, multiple bottles of fire resistance for nether trips, and multiple water breathing potions for ocean exploration is what the bundle could excel at if given a slight adjustment to its carrying capabilities.