In all seriousness, the point of Illager outposts is useless. The definition for an outpost is a military encampment away from the main force. And, well, there is no main force. So I wanted to add a Illager HQ. It’s riddled with pillagers, vindicators roam the entire HQ, and a huge viking house in the center. I want it to be a Viking theme, since the pillager reminds me of Scottish Vikings for some odd reason. In the Viking house is one evoker, acting like a leader of some sort. Around the huge Viking house are houses for the Illagers. Make them similar to the mansions, but smaller. Village house smaller. Then their are merchants that sell bad omen potions. Vindicators will take their place. Vindicators roaming around will kinda be like house Villagers roam their village! The HQ will ALWAYS spawn in a woodland biome, about 4000 blocks away from the nearest woodland mansion to the player. It also spawns near a coast, and has a chance of spawning ships with good loot inside, such as, enchanted iron axes, XP Potions, Totems of Undying, Enchanted Golden Apples, and you decide what other loot it should have, cuz I can’t come up with anymore as of writing this… Mobs have a rare chance of spawning inside the HQ, acting as support units. Witches will ALWAYS spawn within the Viking House, acting as servants to the evoker. When you kill the evoker, it gives you bad omen. Chests are scattered around the base, which can be useful for your travels. What do you think?
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