Bring back the migration tool to allow for accounts to migrate to a Microsoft account as well as make the migration of it easier if possible. Some of the emails attached to accounts were old and can't be accessed anymore. If you have the old passwords to the accounts still stored or you are still logged into the Minecraft launcher like I am, Making a account set up through the launcher would probably yield better results in migration.
I for one would be willing to rebuy Minecraft as an adult if I can get access to my childhood account that I unfortunately was unable to migrate in time.
I also recommend that when you finally decide to release the usernames to send out an email to people with old accounts saying that their username has been released and that to reclaim it quick by buying Minecraft again.
(Figured I'd add this even though I doubt it will get enough votes or even matter at this point. At least this will let Minecraft know how many users didn't make it.)
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