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    Registered User commented
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    Another example
    /oneblock title actionbar ONEBLOCK title=phases{all} @[tag=ONEBLOCK]
    Which is decomposed by
    /oneblock <display> <actionbar/title/chat> <which oneblock> <display=phases/particle{all phases/particle1, particle2}> <to everyone with the ONEBLOCK tag>

    Here's how to remove a oneblock
    /oneblock remove ONEBLOCK
    no need to explain how it works

    Here's how to block a oneblock
    /oneblock blocked ONEBLOCK true
    the oneblock is blocked
    /oneblock blocked ONEBLOCK false
    the oneblock is unlocked

    Here's how to reset a oneblock
    /oneblock reset ONEBLOCK
    no need to explain

    And finally here is how to teleport to a oneblock
    /oneblock tp @s ONEBLOCK x y1 z
    /oneblock <teleporter> <selector> <which oneblock> x y<+1> z

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    Registered User commented
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    Really complicated and quite niche