I have loved Minecraft since I was very young, but it is rather disappointing how lame the updates have become. I see so many fellow Minecraft fans saying "We need more final bosses!" "We need better mobs!" and I disrespectfully disagree. We need to go back to the basics. We need FRUIT, we need VEGGIES, we need BAKED GOODS. I'm so tired of focusing on insignificant things that, let's be honest, we will NEVER use in actual gameplay. Such as the sniffer. I think it is a great mob, but who would go out of their way to get a mob that only gets you flowers that have no real purpose? Same with the loom, seriously?? You can use a crafting table and create so many more beautiful designs. I think we need to focus less on wolf armor and focus more on getting DOGS. We got cats, but now we need dogs. The nether update was huge, beautiful, and even had a quest alongside it. Same with the jungle/panda update. All we got for the cherry blossom update was a small new biome with nothing to pair alongside it, like, maybe, I don't know... CHERRIES??? As a veteran Minecraft player, I have seen these updates get less and less exciting. The last end update we had was in 2014!! Minecraft, you are a multi-billion-dollar company and can't even add freaking vegetables or maybe even a berry pie to go along with the wild berries. It's been over 16 years, and we don't even have oranges. Please try harder and focus on the smaller significant things. Thanks. -Daze
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