Minecraft Bedrock edition would greatly benefit with the addition of chat detection. Chat detection would allow you to test for when someone types something in chat, or change what someone says in chat. This would be great for mapmakers, as now we would be able to stop people from saying things without mods or addons. We would also be able to make special things happen when people say things.
The way this should work is that there would be a new target selector and a new command.
The /chat Command
The new command, /chat, would allow you to mute, unmute, or change what someone is typing. The syntax for this command would be:
/chat mute <target> <enabled/disabled> <duration>
/chat replace <target> “original message” “replaced message”
/chat mute would allow you to mute or unmute someone for a certain amount of time, or permanently, if you don’t specify a duration. /chat replace would replace anything one person says with something else.
Example: if you type
/chat replace @a “Hi” “Hello”
in a repeating command block, whenever someone types the word Hi, it would say Hello in chat, instead.
Selecting Targets By Chat
With the new target selector, chat, you would be able to target anyone who has said something. Example: to give anyone who says “Diamonds”, diamonds, you would type:
/give @a[chat={message=”Diamonds”}] diamond
in a repeating command block.
These features would really help mapmakers, as now we would be able to detect and change chat with only using commands.
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