When we launched Realms in Previews last month, we mentioned that there would be new Realms-specific features for you to test soon. Well, one of the most frequent requests we get is to increase the render distance on Realms, and trust us – we understand.
We all want to see the different creations on our Realms from over the years (along with those beautiful mountains in the distance that Caves & Cliffs brought us).
So, starting today we are increasing the maximum render distance on Realms in Previews from 12 chunks to a dazzling 20 chunks! *
The intention of this change is to gather data at scale to see how our servers handle the load along with how the large range of different devices, worlds, and play styles interact with the higher render distance. We feel we can do better than the current 12 chunks, but your feedback will help us determine the right balance between pushing our servers and any potential adverse impacts to gameplay.
And this is now where you come in! We need your help to gather this meaningful data and feedback. Please jump into your free** Preview Realm, invite your friends (more players = more load on the servers), and let us know what you think in the discussion below.
We can’t wait to hear the Stories of your experiences with increased render distance on Realms.
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