Your dedicated space for sending us feedback and suggestions for Update 1.21!


Let's talk about the Breeze!



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  • 32
    Registered User commented
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    I think they should bring the quiver back, it would match very well with the combat proposal along with the functionality of the fletcher's bench and perhaps a new arrow with the power of the Breeze, these are simple ideas that the community would really like, please bring these ideas for updating

  • 32
    Registered User commented
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    You should add a unique drop when you kill the breeze.

  • 22
    Registered User commented
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    The breeze could drop something like 'breeze rods' or blades or something similar that could be used to craft.

    Breezy Fan block - blows air that can push entities into up into the air - this could be interesting and useful for many things like parkour!

    Breeze charge - can be shot from a dispenser to fire a breeze's projectile.

  • 22
    Registered User commented
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    new breeze rods, to make a new potion some kind of air blast potion for blow away the mobs and players arround you

  • 21
    Registered User commented
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    Adding to deflecting arrows, the Breeze should be immune to any attacks that don't go for the head or do but aiming through its body. If one tries to attack the body, should be tossed away from the Breeze, something like when you hit a player that is with a shield up. Its body should work like a wind armor.

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    Breeze cant attack in boats or if they are swiming I think maybe because they cant touch the floor so, what about if they could atack in this positions? Even more interesting, what about they could glide through the water and attack while floating on top of the water? (The breezer in a boat seems like a bug,¿sould I report it?)

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Now their is a wind element mob and we already have a fire element mob maybe you could add a water and earth element mob. These could be found in the trial chambers or some where else in the overworld in a different structure. And maybe you could give each of their own drop and when you combine them you get a special potion.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    The Breeze is a very unique, well-designed hostile mob! It feels like Minecraft is starting to innovate again. I feel like it should do more damage on direct hits. But what it really needs is a unique drop like wind charges, creating interesting jump-boosting gameplay for the player. This could justify the low damage of the wind attacks.

    Blaze fire charges, and breeze wind charges, should be craftable into a magic staff, using copper and amethyst to make them useful. This will allow more wind charge usage with mending. Right now, farming the Breeze is too difficult, as it seems like the Breeze only spawns on the trial spawners, but having to squat on the chunk for 30 minutes takes too long.

    Thank you devs for all the hard work! I've some extra feedback regarding Minecraft LIVE. They should ideally introduce new things that create excitement for the community. Something like an End or Aether update will definitely give a surge on Minecraft's sales as youtubers create hype. The Breeze would definitely fit on the Aether. I understand that the devs aren't showing much to avoid overpromising, so maybe we can show these when it's mostly completed? Lately, LIVE is very underwhelming and it's filled with ads.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    After playing with the breeze for a while I have loved it. One suggestion is they should make it so it can use it's wind to throw back arrows at you. It would create a new challenge onto it and make it so much more fun!

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    breeze its too easy, I would improve:
    1-a way to stop players to easily trap him in a corner like making him jump or dash away from the player every time its hitted or simply making him priorize getting away from the player fastly

    2- more range and trying to be far of the player so its a persecussion battle

    3-other attack, like summoning a blast (kinda of exploding) when hitted (not everytime maybe 1-3 chance)

    4-upgrading the rooms when they appear, especially taking advantage of trapdoors and fall damage

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    They should make cooper skeleton knight boss swordmen that can summon upto 10 small hostile copper golem.

    Drops copper shield , item to create mini golem, and book enchantment that does electricity damage that groups of up to 3 enemies or so.

    there's is no incentive in going into the trails chamber. The loots is total meh. Even deep dark has better loot.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    There's a popular discussion here about breeze dropping breeze rods, which can be made into winded arrows on the fletching table. But I think improvements can be made on that idea.

    With arrow consumables, it's obnoxious to farm due to the breeze spawner timer, discouraging their usage. Not to mention, having to switch between winded arrows and normal arrows is a pain. What we really need is a new breeze weapon that you can use repeatedly. Being able to jump around caves and cliffs, pushing piglins into lava, it's going to create amazing gameplay!

    There was a better post to make fletching table useful, you can just craft the tipped arrows here, simply by using the pointless early-game items like spider eye. With this, players can finally be introduced to the tipped arrows early, which are so niche and hard-to-get that few players know about it. Having to collect ender dragon breaths, to craft lingering potions, and then throwing them and using the arrows on the pool to create tipped arrows, that's something that no player will be able to figure out on their own.

    I agree with people that the breeze is really not a threat at all. Big rooms with open platforms and elevation will definitely make it more of a challenge, as well as the breeze activating those lingering potion traps. Add more of those lingering potions with a variety of effects. Don't make it too dangerous and destructive like desert TNT.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    It's easy to back the Breeze into the corner and spam attack it, despite its springing jump. It should have a shockwave attack that knocks the player back after being cornered for a few seconds. Since the Breeze is full of such powerful gusts of air, it'd only make sense for it to escape a tight space like this.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    The breeze mob concept is really cool. I like how interactive it is with the environment.

    The AI is a bit weird how sometimes they don't do anything or hide away and sometimes they're constantly in your face pushing you around. 

    Usually I only see it activate water but I have only seen the lingering potion cloud twice only to get stuck in the air and it didn't really affect the combat

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    -The breeze is not much of a challenge, but I like how it looks and how it can deflect projectiles, they should do that more consistently. It's overall an interesting mob. If there's larger rooms and elevation difference in the trial chambers, this mob would be more threathening.

    -I'd love to knock mobs away and jump around using a breeze wand, this will breathe new life to minecraft combat and exploration. Don't just make it consumables like fire charges, it's annoying to farm. It would be very interesting if we have wands for the four elements, like earth and water. To prevent blaze wands from being too destructive, we can turn it into a flamethrower that only sets mobs on fire, not the environment. Or an explosive shot that doesn't actually destroy blocks. These are great for fighting multiple mobs.

    Overall I like where this update is going. There's a lot of combat fun to be had on minecraft realms, and there's even crafters for redstoners, and these nice copper grates look good for builders. This is what minecraft updates should strive for. The trial chambers are well-designed with crawl spaces and copper themed floors, and adding a boss room will complete the package. 

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    The Breeze should be immune to magma blocks because it floats.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    The breeze is the type of mob perfect for pve combat, the theme of this structure. I love the idea and find its implementation into the chambers well done.

    Challenge: The breeze is somewhat difficult. There are a few bugs regarding its projectiles and it sometimes wont run away or even fight back as you hit it with a sword but when the experience works, it works. The fact it redirects arrows makes sense thematically and gives it a serious challenge. Shields can block its direct attacks but its knockback and blowback still impact a player. Combined with other hostile mobs, it creates a very chaotic and fun environment. Once I found myself overwhelmed by skeletons so I ran out and closed a door behind me, thinking I was safe, only to have a breeze open the door to allow all the skeletons to follow me out of the chamber! Early strategies for me involve breaking line of sight (it almost seems to ignore you if you hide behind a wall sometimes), waiting until it seems to have settled down, and rushing it. Despite being a flying mob, it sometimes doesn't seem to want to go down more than 1 block intervals, so when it gets isolated on a platform it wont run away as much. This feels like a bug.

    Visuals: A few bugs here as well (I see them all in the tracker already) but wonderful work as well. I think the eyes could be a bit more pronounced. The movement animations pair nicely with its somewhat rapid flying. I know this is in early stages but nice work!

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    the breeze is too easy with a shield it just kinda blows you a bit back and doesn't do much damage (it doesn't do much damage in general but with shield its only a tiny amount) so you can just hit hit hit shield hit hit kill the breeze

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    They should spawn in deserts during thunderstorms rarely

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I've already said my piece on the Breeze so far, but I beg you: don't retexture the Blaze for "consistency" like you did with the Vex. The Blaze looks fine the way it is and has had a stronger place in Minecraft than the Vex. You can already make a clear enough connection between it and the Breeze anyways. Let them be unique

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    It would be interesting if they spawned rarely on snowy slopes, it feels fitting.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    my brother suggested that the breeze should(going with the wind theme) have a chance to let a hit go right through and deal no damage, as if you swung at a gust of wind or something.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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     I suggest increasing the damage dealt by its Wind Charge ability and making it more difficult to avoid. Additionally, the Breeze could be given more health or armor to make it harder to defeat. These changes would make the Breeze a more formidable opponent and provide players with a greater sense of accomplishment when they defeat it.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    The breeze is a pushover, no pun intended. The bullets need to launch players higher up. It also needs to drop loot like wands. It should spawn during thunderstorms on some surface biomes, and if we're adding the mossy skeleton they can also spawn in jungles and mangroves. We need enemies unique to weathers and biomes. I also like the current rarity of trial chambers and how much copper it has, that should be kept as-is.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    the breeze often got stuck in small openings like smlal rooms with doors in them i think you should remove or alternate the breeze chamber to not have small rooms where the player can hide to cheeze it and has it all open with chests in open

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    it's too weak ! can it deal a little bit more damage

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    The hitbox is to big for something made of mostly wind. I think it would be better if only the core where the windrods are gets a hitbox.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Its to hard to tell when I can hit it with an arrow.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I think the breeze should bounce around more on bedrock edition because it rarely does it at the moment.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    It would be interesting if he was actually more challenging like Whiter. He should be more agile (he could do slides, dashes and super jumps) and be stronger. One suggestion would be the following: as he is attacked, he changes color until when he changes to the strongest color tone, he activates an "super attack" similar to an explosive wind grenade that causes a shockwave damage similar to dynamite (but with a wider range). Furthermore, he could become immune to arrows at some key moments of the battle to force the player to attack him at close range.

    As for what he can drop, I suggest an item that could be used to make a kind of beacon or conduit that would give the effect of feather falling or resistance to the player. Or perhaps he can drop sticks that can be used to create "homing" arrows with infinite range or with a wider range level; or even if cause an explosion of wind when reaching the target. Another suggestion for an item that he could drop would be a "wind charge" that would give a boost or make the player reach very high places. It could be used in an item similar to a bow, where the longer you hold it, the stronger is the shot. To recharge this item, you would need more sticks or the item dropped by the Breeze.