Minecraft has a lot of blocks, but what if they had more? Why do we need them? Please don't just add lists of things - these will be marked as spam and removed! Also, no furniture, guns, or vertical/"sideways"/"upright"/"standing" slabs (yes, we see you).


Let's talk about Decorated Pot improvements!



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  • 23
    Registered User commented
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    To be more useful, pots should store just one type of item but several stacks, more than a chest, so they can be used to store massive amounts of one material such as cobblestone.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    Great enhancement but can we stack more than one potion?? As they don’t currently stack? Can we fix this? Please

  • 14
    Registered User commented
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    Another interesting idea is that pots can be filled with water buckets, and become an infinite source of water. To get rid of the water inside they must be broken.

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    I think it would be cool if you could pour liquids in it, when you break it, it would spill.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Fantastic changes to pots! This was definitely something I and many others thought of as soon as they were introduced, so it's great to see Mojang feels the same way. With this change, I think that pots containing loot could be incorporated into some existing structures. Not only would this be an interactive way to collect loot, but it would also teach players about using pots to store items, as well as their potential as decorative items.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    To improve the functionality of this new feature I would suggest that there is a way to make it so the pots don't drop their sherds on destruction, since dropping the sherds might get in the way of mini-game making. Wow they listened! Took a while to get there but they did in fact listen to the community.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    It's amazing! The new features of Decorated pots are great, this is something new and unusual for Minecraft, and it looks like a masterpiece. I'd like to be able to pick up pots along with the items inside, maybe through a silk touch enchantment, or simply by breaking the pot with anything other than an axe, pickaxe, and projectiles (which also destroy the pot itself).

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Add the ability to put several types of items in a pot, like in a bundle. Anyway the feature is amazing, it's great that you listen to the players and keep working hard

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Now the decorated pots are incredible, I just miss being able to dye them

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    There needs to be a tag for "Cannot place into decorated pot".

    From brief testing, you can accidently end up placing a bow, sword (if shield is equipped) or another decorated pot (when trying to stack them for building purposes) into a pot, and I'm sure some would prefer a way to prevent this.

    I'm also not sure about the player interaction being anywhere on the block, just the top might feel more intuitive?

    and finally, I feel like players should have a way to get the items out one at a time same as putting them in.

    It would allow for more interesting storage where you don't have to constantly open and close chests to go find 5 or 5 items sorted in various groups, you just interact with the pots to quick grab a few items (food, enderpearls, cobble etc)

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Without a doubt this function is incredible for both survival players, technicians, creatives, map makers, etc.

    It would be great to be able to find them in the caves with random loot (not very good loot) maybe a couple of bones, iron and rare probability of diamond, these could be generated without the need for a structure, they would also be a good addition and incentive to exploration beyond looking for minerals, it could also contain wood, sticks or bread for those players who are in trouble in the caves, it would be a great implementation that would make players not feel so alone in the world of Minecraft and add more lore to the game

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    1) Allow us to store more than one type of item in a pot (up to 64 per pot, like a bundle)

    2) Better break sound effects for pots, they're way too soft right now. Breaking pots for rewards should be satisfying like in Zelda, a large part of that is the sound effects.

    3) Sweep attack sounds and particle should play when breaking one with a sword, again to improve that satisfaction.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    The idea that you can store 64 items in the jars is incredible! Now I come to propose an even better change: filters depending on the pottery sherd you have in the crafting.

    For example,

    • "the Prize Pottery Sherd" can only store precious minerals (emerald, diamond),
    • "the Miner Pottery Sherd" can only store common minerals (coal, iron, copper, gold),
    • "the Angler Pottery Sherd" can only store fish,
    • and a final example could be the "Danger Pottery Sherd" that would only store items from hostile mobs.

    This could add a lot of depth to the game since there are currently no filters in Minecraft. The number of items it can filter would be directly affected by the quantity of pottery sherds used when crafting.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    achei uma boa adição, agora potes podem ser usados em construções futuras nas estruturas do Minecraft dando uma função útil atém de uma melhora no quesito de exploração se essa mecânica for usada para este meio. (PT-BR)

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I liked that they broke to recover the items. But it lends itself to being annoying when you put things in by mistake. Maybe if they broke only when it's more than half full; and when it is not in that limit, that they can be emptied

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    It would be cool to be able to break pots with a sword just like Zelda!

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Technically, pots are made of terracota so... would be nice to put the full palette of dyed terracota in the normal pots and decorated pots!

    Extra: And also color bricks?

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Séria muito legal e interessante se, os potes pudessem ter itens variados continuando com o limite atual de 64 itens, tendo essa variedade de itens aleatórios, eles poderiam ser spawnados nas dungeons e nas cavernas, quando encontrássemos era só quebrar para vir itens aleatórios para o jogador.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    The animations are amazing! This is fun to play with.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Observers should be able to detect an update when someone places an item into the pot since it technically counts as a "block update"

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I love the changes, and think it would be cool if they could be used to add slightly more loot to structures. I think adding pots that have some random loot in them into structures or even just randomly spawning in caves or archeology sites would be cool and a good way to add even more use to them.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I'd love it if rails could go directly on top of the pots (for hopper minecarts and the pots pull the items in) or if thrown items were sucked into the pots like hoppers -- both options would mean pots could be used for super stylish and compact item sorting!

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    From the beginning I felt the synergize with MCD! I am so glad that they are more like them :P

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Hmmmm, I have another idea for the decorated pot, it is called trapped pot,
    Well, the idea is, if you put a tnt item in the trapped pot then break the pot, then it will explode, like the end crystal if you hit it but in a suprise, also, you can put a mob egg in the pot and it will summon the specific mob egg that you put in the pot.
    And, another idea that you can silk touch the pot while it has an item/s. Like you can silk touch the trapped pot with a tnt.
    Lastly, The trapped pot only one tnt can be put.
    I wish this comment will be notice hehehe

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I like the new consept of the pots holding items but i have some extra ideas
    -If broken by hand (so the pot drops without breaking) than the contents are kept (cheap chulker)
    -Make it hold a bucket of a fluid
    -Make it so it can store 3 potions of the same effect
    -make it able to hold 3 stacks of something
    -Adding tnt to the pot will make it explode when broken (not with hand cuz that would store the tnt) The tnt can be removed with shears
    these pots would have a wire hanging from the pot

    I would keep the fact you can olny store 1 type of item (or fluid if added) thats why i would increase the stack limit

    Also a fun idea is so pots (without sherds) spawn in dessert villages or tempels and decorated ones in Trail Ruins and dessert wells

    (The bold words are keywords)

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Хотелось бы, чтобы в горшки можно было складывать не только 64 предмета одного типа, но и 64 разных предмета, комбинируя их, как это будет сделано с мешочком, It would be great for us.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I love the changes, though with redstone it would be nice to at least see what kind of item is in the pot. what about making a pot with a window, when one of the sides is made from a glass pane?

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I think it could be cool if you could put any type of Loot Table In a Decorated Pot, so you people can make a structure with pots with a loot table, now to a more cool and useful one, That you can make Pots with Items portable, just like the unused Bundle ( and pocket edition players can use it :D )

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    since decorated pot interact with hoppers, i believe that some additional tweaks to pots+hoppers could make it an effective tool for item filtering.

    • allow us to combine a decorated pot and an item on the crafting bench. That pot now only accepts that item (currently the decorated pot stops being a filter once its last item is removed)
    • if you have two hoppers on top of the other, and the top hopper is pointing into a decorated pot, the decorated pot has priority over the bottom hopper. This way we can create vertical filters.
  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    The new changes are fantastic ! But i do have a couple of suggestions to maybe make the pots even more perfect :

    - items could be put inside faster when the click is held, in the same way items are trown faster when the "drop" button is held

    - arrows and tridents could bounce off the pots so they dont falls on the ones under creating a breaking chain reaction

    - when the pot state is set to "cracked" it could not drop any sheard or bricks when broken, so the only items dropped would be the ones inside it

    - and finally, getting a pot with hand or Silk Touch could keep the items inside shulker box style (so in minigames i could use the partialy filled pots themself as a redstone lenght key code, without having to give additional items to put inside them)

    - bonus suggestion (following the last one) : maybe pots with the same item and number of items could be stacked together ? so we can fill one inventory slot with 64x64 items ? (not sure about this idea)

    Thank you for reading my suggestions